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As we walked along the train tracks Teddy and Vern were ahead of Gordie and Chris who were ahead of me. I quickly took out my Winston's an lite it with my lighter.

"Hey get the fuck up here Michaels!" I hear Chris yell as I slowly start jogging up to where him a Gordie are walking. When I get up there Chris put his arm around me and took the cigarette from my mouth.

"Hey do you guys think I'm weird?" Gordie said as the smoke came out of Chris' mouth. He then took another quick puff and handed it back to me.

"Definitely." Chris says with a Chuckle. I stay silent.

"No man, I'm serious. Am I weird?"

"Yeah, but so what everyone's weird." I say as I let the smoke seep out of my mouth. Chris turns and watches it fly into the air from my mouth.

Chris then quickly ended the conversation. "Hey you ready for school?"

"Yeah." Gordie And I quickly say back.

"Junior high. You know what that means, by next June we'll all be split up."

"What the fuck are you talking about Chambers?" I say in anger an confusion.

"Well you and Gordie will be taking your college courses and me,Vern,and Teddy will be stuck back with all the other retards making bird houses and ash trays." He pause. "You two are gonna meet a lot of new guys, smart guys."

"Meet a lot of pussies is what you mean." Gordie says crossings his arms.

"Yeah a lot of pussies!" I say in agreement.

"No don't say that! Don't you ever say that!" He yells taking his arm off of my shoulder and down to my hand. I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand as he looked into my eyes.

"No way in hell am I going to go and meet a bunch of pussies! Forget it!"

"Yeah same!" Gordie yells in agreement with me.

"Well then your both assholes!" I open my mouth in awe of what he just said. *Well fuck you too dipshit!*

"What's asshole about not wanting to leave your friends?" Gordie yells in anger and frustration.

"It's asshole if your friends drag you down-!" I grab Chris' hand so that he doesn't go completely crazy. I always knew how to clam him down. "You guys are both smart as shit! You're both gonna do great things! You with your art and Gordie with his writing."

"Fuck writing! I don't wanna be a writer, it's stupid! It's a stupid waste of time! Bullshit! Gordie yells back at him I grip Chris' hand tighter.

"Bulltrue!" He paused. "That's just your dad talking.....you're just a kid Gordie."

"Oh gee thanks dad!" Gordie yelled back angrily.

"I wish the hell I was your dad! You wouldn't be goin' around talkin' bout takin those stupid sop courses if I was." He look over at Gordie. "It's like god gave you a gift man, all those stories you can make up. He said 'this is what we got for ya kid, try not to lose it.' Chris paused again and directed his eyes to the ground. "But kids lose everything if there's not someone to look out for them, and if your parents are too fucked up to do it then maybe I should." Chris yelled as he gripped onto my hand tighter. I'm pretty sure it was purple by now.

Then Chris turned towards me. "Same with you, your amazing at drawing and there's no way in hell Im gonna let you lose that. Don't listen to what people in this low life town think of you. You and I both know the real you and your amazing." I wanted to kiss him so bad you don't even know. I couldn't though. What if he didn't feel the same way. So I couldn't and I didn't.

Chris' POV
After everything I said I looked into her eyes, then down at her lips. *Jesus Christ I want to kiss her.* we continued to stare it each other's eyes until we heard a voice.

"Jesus guys Gordie is right there! Anyway hurry up!" We heard vern yell.

"The kid won't even be dead anymore!" Teddy yells making no sense. I throw my burnt out cigarette on the ground and intertwine my hand back with Chris'.

Sunflower //Chris Chambers Where stories live. Discover now