Prompt #2 Luca

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The Decision

Knowing when you'll die is a curse and yet a blessing. It gives you a deadline on which you need to decide if you want to go to Heaven or Hell. Knowing that today at 6:15 that I'm going to chemically combust and leave my friends behind, is dreadful.

"Oi, Oliver. How much longer ya' got?"

"I got till 6:15. When is Hector showin' up?"

"I don't know, man. Kevin said that he was on the way."

"Max, ya' know you're a good friend."

"Yeah, I know." I hear the spinning of tires, and rumble of Hector and Kevin's laughter. "Hey, look, they're here now." I turn seeing that the two are hitting it off fine after the fight they just had.

"Dude, why didn't you tell us sooner that you were going to bite the dust. You scared me and Kevin half to death. Like Jesus, noo." Hector's dramaticness always makes a stressful situation lighter than it is.

"Hector's right. We should have gotten here sooner, but our mom was being weird and sentimental like she was losing one of her own. I mean you have been so good to Hector and me, I guess our mom saw that. But who knows?"

I stand there waiting until my friends stop wasting the time I have left before I leave this world. "Okay, I'm tired of waiting. So, what should we do first?" A burning sensation took over my body, immense pain coming in waves, a screech of agony erupts from me. "HEll!" I say, trying to laugh making my friends look at me weirdly.

"What did you do?" Hector asks, showing me his watch, 6:15. The heat radiating from me caused me to combust. In total darkness, feeling like I'm falling, I wish I had the chance to say goodbye. Well, I'm going to Hell, I don't know why but, here I am.

Instantly getting warm as I feel like I'm nearing the end of this hole. I try positioning myself as they do in the movies, like Thor or the Hulk. I fail terribly and land flat on my back, there goes impressing the ladies.

When I get up and look around, there is only one person, who I think is safe to say that person is Lucifer. "FINALLY SOMEONE! A FRIEND!" What? I'm the only human being, or well dead human being, here. "Seriously, there has never been anyone else but me here, rotting away. You honestly don't know what it's like to be stuck here for millions of years and be unable to see anyone else's face, but your own."

I honestly don't know to react to any of this. There were no ladies to impress, so what am I supposed to do? "I guess you're not wrong, but what do you do to waste time?" He seems to ponder my question, only to shrug his shoulders. "Uh, okay. So..."

"I don't know, I've never met someone else before. I don't know how this works."

"What do I call you?"

"Lucifer, I guess."

This is so awkward. "Why is there no one else here? 'Cause it ain't that bad."

"The Bible. The highest king thought it would be funny to make my home so awful. But as you can see..." He waves his hand, pointing to the area around us. I mean he isn't wrong. The red sand, fined beneath my feet. The streams leading to a light blue lake.

"Why though? It doesn't make any sense. You would want a lot of people in one place at the same time. I would rather have fifty-fifty." He nods his head, "What are we going to do for the rest of eternity?"

"Swim? Or we could open portals to Earth."

"Yes. The portals, that way you can meet my friends."

"Bud, I just want to warn you that once we exit Hell, we gain horns and wings."

"Ok, my friends wouldn't mind. We've seen much weirder things than wings and horns."


Just the thought of getting to see my friends again, knowing that I can warn them about the trick of the two worlds, lifts the weight off my shoulders.

In the air Lucifer claws away at the air, ripping it and causing a black looking hole. "Guests first," he said with a wicked grin.

"Who knew that the Devil himself would be such a softie?"

"Don't say anything to your friends, I guess I have a reputation to live up to."

I jump into the mysterious hole, suddenly feeling my back rip open, then I felt blood spill from the two holes in my head. Utterly shocked, I reached up to feel the spots on my head, two tiny horns prick my index fingers. "What the..."

"I know it slightly painful, uhh, I don't know your name."

"Oliver and you feel it too? I thought since you've must have done this before, you would be used to it."

"That's the thing, I've never done this before. I mean I would have if I had a friend to do it with. Like you, right now."

"Yeah, a friend."

"Oh and by the way, there's a possibility that we won't make it out alive, so I want to tell you that in these few minutes, I've done the impossible. I've made a friend. I want to thank you for being brave enough to come here even though you've heard the rumors, you have no clue what that means to me."

"Uhh, are those tears?"

Lucifer wipes his eyes and looks at his hands, blood-soaked water stained them. "No..." A bright light blinds us as we exit out of the portal, the weird thing is, we're not on Earth, we're in Heaven.

*** Note From me: This is shorter than my first one, unfortunately. I'm sorry that I  had run out of inspiration. Bye.  -waves-

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