Chapter 13: Ambidextrous

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The following morning, Phineas woke up at the couch then realized that he was told to sleep there.

He got up and saw Isabella on the floor, sleeping.

"Oh Isabella." He thought, "Why did you sleep there?"

He then carried Isabella without waking her up and bringing her to their room, laid her down at the bed, and covered her with a blanket.

"Sometimes, you're so naughty, you know that?" He thought then chuckled

When he was about to stand up and walk out the door, he felt Isabella's hand holding his."Please don't go." Isabella whispered

"I need to Isabella." Phineas replied, "I need to go to work."

"How about yesterday? You said you didn't want to go to work, but you had a very booked day." Isabella replied

"Yeah, but you insisted right?" Phineas asked

"I know, but now I don't." Isabella replied

"I need to go to work now Izzie." He said then stood up then Isabella hugged him

"Please don't go." Isabella whispered

"Okay." Phineas replied then noticed that Isabella was silent and was sleeping.

"Is that really your favorite thing to do?" Phineas thought then laid Isabella back on the bed.


Two months later, Isabella had been harder to deal with, and was now getting larger.

"Phineas!" Isabella yelled

"Yes Izzie?" Phineas asked

"Am I getting fat?" Isabella asked

"Oh, that's all, I thought there was something big that happened." Phineas said

"What do you mean by that?" Isabella asked impatiently

"Nothing dearie." Phineas replied

"I am fat, am I?" Isabella asked then her eyes started to well up

"No Isabella, I-I didn't say that." Phineas said hugged Isabella to comfort her

"You didn't say that, but I guess you mean that?!" Isabella said as she turned around then crossed her arms

"No, no, I meant-." Phineas said then Isabella's phone rang and Isabella answered the call

"Hello Isabella." Stacy said

"Oh hi Stacy." Isabella replied

"So, ready for your check-up today?" Stacy asked

"Oh, right, that was today, we'll be right there." Isabella replied then hung up

"Let's go Phineas." Isabella said then grabbed her purse

"Wait, where are we going?" Phineas asked

"To Stacy's office." Isabella replied

"Okay, okay." Phineas replied then they both went to the car

After a few minutes of driving, and a few stops, they finally arrived at Stacy's office.

"Okay, Isabella, I'm just gonna park the car, you go ahead." Phineas said then Isabella went out of the car.After parking the car, Phineas entered the building.

"Hi Phineas." Stacy greeted

"Hi Stacy." Phineas said

"Where's Isabella?" Phineas asked

"She's settled in here, let's go." Stacy said then both of them entered the room.

"There' your baby Phineas." Stacy said

"Hiya Marie." Phineas greeted

"Hmm, let's see. Oh look, the baby's sucking its thumb." Stacy said then Phineas and Isabella looked at the ultrasound monitor (A/N: I don't know if that is possible)

"Aww, that's so cute." Isabella said

"It seems like that baby's left handed." Stacy said

"How did you know that?" Phineas asked

"Well, based on my facts, you could determine if a baby is left or right handed when they are still in their mother's womb." Stacy replied

"Oh." Phineas and Isabella said simultaneously

"So, you mean, the baby can be left-handed?" Phineas asked

"Yes." Stacy replied

"Wait, so if the baby's left-handed, why is she sucking her right thumb?" Isabella asked

Both Phineas and Stacy then looked again at the monitor and noticed that Marie was.

"Yeah, so the baby can be ambidextrous." Stacy said

"Well, that's great!" Phineas said

"You're ambidextrous aren't you?" Stacy asked

(A/N: It means using both hands with equal ease or unusually skillful)

"Yeah." Phineas replied

"I thought so."


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