Chapter 8: Thomas Fletcher

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The following days went by as usual, Phineas and Isabella wakes up at the morning, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, have dinner, and sleep.

Three months have passed,

they still did the same routine, but Isabella has been acting... weird lately.

"Phineas, Phineas! Would you come here?" Isabella yelled from their bedroom.

She was looking at the tall mirror. "What is it Izzie?" Phineas asked as he went inside their room next to Isabella

"Do I look fat to you?" Isabella asked

"Honey, even if you're the fattest person on Earth I will still love you." Phineas replied

"Aww, thanks sweetie... but I'm serious, look how big I've gotten." Isabella said as she lifted her shirt up just enough to see her bare belly.

It really have gotten bigger than usual.

"My, if you mean fat by that I think you're-."

"I knew it!" she cried,

"You think I'm fat and don't love me anymore." She said then went to their bed and wept there.

"I didn't even say anything." Phineas said as he stood there and recapture what just happened then went to their bed.

"Do you mean it? Do you really mean that I'm fat?" Isabella asked through sobs

"No, I didn't say anything about you being fat." Phineas replied

"Well, do you think that I am fat?" Isabella asked

"No, I will never think you're fat." Phineas replied

"Thanks sweetie..." she replied,

"Are you telling the truth or telling me that to not hurt my feelings?"

"Isabella," he said

"Nah, I'm just joking." She replied.

When night came, Phineas' phone rang, when he saw the caller ID, he already had a conclusion to the call.

"Ferb?" Phineas said

"V-V-Vanessa," he stuttered

"Danville hospital?" Phineas asked

"Y-yeah," he replied then Isabella and Phineas went to the hospital

At the car, Isabella asked Phineas random questions and changed from one mood to another.

"What's up with Isabella? She's been like this for about three months." Phineas asked himself When they reached the hospital, Isabella was silent and to Phineas' surprise, it seems like she was hiding a secret.

"Okay, spill it," Phineas said

"Spill what?" Isabella asked

"You're hiding a secret. Now what is it?" he asked

"Fine. My belly hurts, happy?" Isabella snapped

"Okay, okay, no need to snap." Phineas said,

"Hey wait a minute, why are you wearing a lose shirt, a very lose shirt?"

"I don't want people to see how fat I am, they might mock me or make fun of me." Isabella replied

"Girls," Phineas mumbled then looked for the delivery room.

When they were in the front of the room, their parents, Candace's whole family, and Ferb were there.

"Hi mom, dad" Phineas said

"Oh hi Isabella, anything you want to share?" Candace asked teasingly

"Well, I got larger, and I'm kinda annoyed with it." Isabella replied

"So what's the reason why you're wearing a lose shirt?" Candace asked

"I don't want to be seen fat..." Isabella replied

"Riiight." Candace replied

After a few minutes, the doctor went out and let all of them visit Vanessa, but of course everyone let Ferb to go in first.

"Hey Vanessa," he said quietly

"Look, look at him." Vanessa replied

"Aww... he's so cute." Ferb said

"I admire his bravery." Vanessa said

"How come?" he asked

"He was brave enough to go through normal birth with me. He stayed with me for 9 months and was not scared nonetheless. He was with us this whole time but didn't hesitate or became scared of having life, being hurt and happy. He wasn't scared at all." Vanessa replied then gave Ferb the baby.

"He got your hair," Ferb said

"Yeah, he sure did. But he resembles more from you." Vanessa said

"Hmm... what?" Ferb asked

"Your nose, those energetic eyes, and that vibrant spirit." Vanessa replied

"And?" Ferb asked

"That's it, well, for now." Vanessa replied

Then one nurse came in and asked for the baby's name.

"Thomas, Thomas Fletcher." Vanessa replied

"Beautiful name," the nurse replied then walked out of the room and let the rest in.

"Vanessa," Isabella said then walked to the bed while Ferb handed the baby to his parents.

"Oh hi Isabella," she replied

"Well, how are you now?" Candace asked

"I'm fine, and very happy." Vanessa replied,

"So Isabella, anything you wanna share? Anything special perhaps."

"Well, Candace asked me the same question, and I'll answer you with what I replied with Candace earlier. Nothing special, I just got fatter. And if you're wondering about the shirt, don't bother asking." Isabella replied

"Oh, and nothing else but that? Three months had passed Isabella, three months and nothing, not a single date." Vanessa replied

"Well, we had a date three months ago." Isabella replied

"Hey, why didn't you tell me that piece of information earlier?" Candace asked

"I'm sorry," Isabella replied

A few hours had passed and everything went by as usual, the parents left and Candace too with the rest of her family, and Isabella and Phineas were left with Ferb and Vanessa.

"Well, it's getting late bro; I think you need to go home." Ferb said

"Nah, it's no sweat, now you should just go home, prepare Vanessa's clothes for tomorrow and sleep, at your house, we'll just stay here." Phineas replied

"You sure?" Ferb asked

"Yep, we're definitely sure." Phineas replied

"Is it okay with you Vanessa?" Ferb asked

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind spending some time with Isabella, in fact, I like it." Vanessa replied then Isabella felt that Vanessa was getting advantage.

"Well, okay. Bye Vanessa." Ferb said then kissed Vanessa's forehead,

"bye Tom." He said as he hugged his child.

When Ferb left, Phineas went home for a while to get Isabella some clothes, a jacket, and a blanket, then went back to the hospital. When he came back to the room, Isabella changed her clothes.

"Aww... congratulations Isabella!" Vanessa squealed as Isabella walked out of the bathroom and saw her.

"What?" Isabella asked,

"Sarcasm now?"


To be continued po muna nakakadugo ang english ehh

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