Chapter 7

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[Violet's POV]

I texted Clem until about 2 in the morning and I'm tired as hell. It was totally worth it though. I refused to ask her about her parents again until she was ready but it made me even more curious to know.

I was glad to know she wasn't still upset that I asked. And she held my face in her hands! Oh my god, she has the softest hands. I don't want to admit this, it was annoying, but I know I like her as Louis would say.

She was so pretty, that's the first thing I thought when I first saw her. But I wasn't gonna let her know that, I didn't want to be hurt again...not after Minnie. Then I got to know Clem more over the long month she spent with us. She wasn't like Minerva, I knew it.

I dragged myself into school at the earliest time ever. My Mom had work so, like always, she drove me there really early.

I wondered around school for the next hour and as more students started to fill in I headed to the usual spot everyone would be and waited for them to arrive. Just as I sat down I spotted Clem running down the hall. I couldn't help but stare...don't call me out! She was wearing a long sleeve yellow baseball shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up and a dark grey denim jacket, a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans and some black converse.

Why was she so pretty? [Basically what everyone thinks of Clem lol]

"Hey Vi. Here early again I see. I'm totally gonna beat you to school one day."

"Heh, good luck. You're a little earlier than usual too."

"Yeah, I usually take the bus but I got up really early despite the long chat we had last night. I asked Lee to take me to school."

"Ah. Well I'm glad. It's pretty boring just wandering the school by myself."

"I'd be honoured to accompany you" She bowed deeply when saying that. I couldn't help but laugh.

We chatted about school and what lessons we had, boring stuff, until the others arrived. We all headed to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. The bell rang soon after so Clem, Lou and I all ran to our homeroom to avoid the crowd.

[First time I wrote that I put homosexual *wheeze* - okay but true]

~ Time skip to after school bc writing about school is boring shite

Louis had piano lessons after school and Clem recently joined the baseball team so neither of them could hang out.

"You could come over to my house after I've finished baseball practice. If you want..." She suggested.

"Sure, Mr Everett won't mind right?"

"Nah, he's totally laid back. He'll probably tell you to just call him Lee. He secretly hates being called 'Mr Everett' because it makes him feel old."

"Haha. Yeah I'd hate that too."

We walked over to where Clem needed to get changed. She had 10 minutes so there was no rush. And...again...I couldn't help but stare. She had really toned abs.

"That's gay Violet. Haha."

I turned away blushing furiously.

"I-I wasn't staring!"

"Ah...The wall behind me must've been very interesting then for you to be staring like that."


"Oh shut up. Yeah I was staring, what about it. I'm really fucking gay!"


Well, I guess she knows now. I wonder what she thinks of gay people...?

"Oh. I didn't realise. Well I support you so don't worry about it!" She ended her statement with a smile.

"T-thanks. Hey, what about you?"

"Me? I dunno. I think I'm Bisexual but I've only ever liked one boy and one girl. I mean, I think I like her. I've never felt this way about a girl before."

"Right, well I support you too. Obviously. We should go, you have like...2 minutes to get there."

"Oh shit! C'mon let's go!"

She grabbed my wrist and ran. And I mean RAN. Needless to say everything hurts but we made it on time. I sat on the bleachers and watched her play.

I don't like baseball, it sucks. But Clem was really good at it. She didn't want her hat falling off while she played so I got to keep it til the end of her practice. I couldn't help but wear it, this thing was comfy.

I didn't understand this sport whatsoever but I knew she was doing good. Honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about what she said earlier.
She's bisexual! Well...probably. If she doesn't end up with the person she thinks she likes then I might have a chance...maybe.

[Laughs at Vi's obliviousness even though I'm the author]

Baseball practice came to an end and so I jogged down the bleachers to meet Clem.

"Ready to go? Lee said he'd meet me in the school parking lot."

"Yeah sure. Don't you have to get changed though?"

"No I'll do that when we get back to my place. What? Afraid that if you hug me you'll get all sweaty?"

She said that while jokingly holding her arms out not thinking I would give her a hug. Shame on her for assuming I wouldn't hug her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight to prove that I didn't care if she was sweaty.

"Nope, I'm not afraid."

"Smartass." She replied laughing and hugging me back.

We separated from each other and headed to meet up with Mr Everett.

"Hey Lee!"

"Hey Clem. Oh, you've brought a friend?"

"Oh yeah, this is Violet. The one I hung out with yesterday."

"Nice to meet you Violet. And before you do, don't call me Mr Everett. Lee is fine."

He really was laid back. Damn I wished I had him as a teacher.

"Uh, yeah nice to meet you too Lee."

We got into the car and drove off to Clem's house.

Word Count: 992

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