Chapter 1

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[Violet's POV]

Monday. The best time of the week. You get to see all the people you hate in one place and glare at them as they walk past. Could you sense my sarcasm?

I forced myself into school with my black jacket hood covering the majority of my face. I couldn't stand the people here. The only ones who helped me survive this torture were the people sat on the stairs I was currently approaching in the west wing. This school was so fucking huge...what the hell was the deal with that? To stuff more asshole into one place? Who the hell wants that?

"Hey Vi!"

I snapped out of my thoughts as my good friend Louis greeted me with a smile. I gave him a half-hearted smile and wave as I went to sit down next to him. People seemed to question how me and him were friends; I was one of those people. Total opposites, me and him.

" was your summer break? I bet it was totally awesome on the last week" He said grinning. Does this guy EVER not smile?

"Louis. I spent that last week with you...and everyone else" I replied doing my award winning full-body eye roll.

Everyone laughed along with him but i just sat there not amused. As great as it was to see Ruby, Aasim, Omar  and Louis, I would still much rather be at home.

We continued to chat until the bell rang. Then we all went our separate ways to homeroom where we would collect our new timetables and wait until first period started. Me and Louis had the same homeroom so he kept me sane...kinda.

We talked as we made our way to our destination but as we rounded a corner I bumped into someone and they fell down. Luckily for me Louis caught me from behind and stopped me from falling too.

I was prepared to apologise and hold out my hand for the person I knocked down but I bit my tongue and held my hand back. It was my ex whom had fallen. She looked up at me and her face changed from surprised to disgusted faster than traffic lights.

She got up and shoved past me and Louis, hitting me with her shoulder. Yes, we broke up. No, I'm not explaining it. Nobody except for Louis and her little brother Tennessee knew why.  Ever since we'd separated, I wasn't even allowed to look at Tenn, never mind talk to him.

"You okay Violet?"

Louis asked me, concern obvious in his tone. I nodded and just continued walking, hearing Louis' footsteps follow close behind.

"Don't let her get to you. She's like that; never knows when to goddamn move on" He said still trying to reassure me.

"Louis I'm fine! Shit...sorry. You're right" I immediately apologised to my best friend for snapping at him.

"I'm always right" He had this really annoying smug look when he said that.

"Suuure. Be honest with me...did I do the right thing?"

He looked surprised when I asked this.

"Vi. Stop doubting yourself. Imagine what it would've been like if you hadn't broken up"

He was always. Damn asshole, I could always rely on him.

We eventually reached our homeroom, sat down and waited for our new schedules to be handed out.

Word Count: 567

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