Chapter 5

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[Louis' POV]

So it's been at least a month now since Clem joined our school. She's settled in well and she hangs out with the group all the time. It's like she's always been here.

I now sat in math not focussing on the teacher and I look over at Violet. She always daydreams in classes but there was something else about her face. She seemed to be more deep-in-thought rather than just daydreaming which was unusual seeing as she believes thinking is a bother.

I decided to ask her about it during lunch later on. I went back to 'listening' to the teacher.

~Time skip to lunch

"Sooo...Violet" I was prepared to find out what was on her mind.

"Ugh, what now Louis? I'm busy...daydreaming"

"I know what daydreaming looks like. You're...thinking...aren't you?"

She tried to cover it up and turn away but I could tell she was blushing.

"Well...maybe I was. So?"

I dramatically gasped to further annoy her.

"V-violet...was...thinking??" I acted overly surprised.

"Fuck off. Yeah, I was"

"About...?" I poked her arm hoping to find out something.

"Look at this, it has all the answers you need" She said putting up her middle finger at me. I guess that meant she wasn't telling me. I clutched my heart as if I'd been severely hurt. Everyone laughed and Clementine eventually showed up.

"Hey Clem, I suppose your class wasn't allowed to leave until they were quiet?" Violet asked.

"Yup. Like always. It's honestly so annoying."

"Hah, guess you'll have to put up with it."

We all talked until the end of lunch and then me, Vi and Clementine all went to English together.

I was still curious as to what Violet was thinking about so I kept poking her all the way to the classroom.

"C'moonnnn Vi. Just tell meee" I said while we stood outside the room.

"Louis. Has anyone ever told you that you're the epitome of annoyance"

"Nope. Tell me noooowww"

I knew she'd never tell me, I was just awaiting for her to do that full body eyeroll that she does.

"Great word use Violet. You can use it on the assignment today" A voice, which belonged to none other than our English teacher, came from behind us.

"ASSIGNMENT!?" Me, Clem and Violet all yelled in disbelief. Actually, I do remember her telling us about it at the end of our last english class. I guess I forgot.

~Time skip to after school

"Soo...Clem." I wanted to ask her if she wanted to hang out after school.

"Yes, I can hang out and yes, I brought spray cans this time." She responded. I guess it was pretty obvious I was gonna ask.

I did a mini 'happy dance' and the three of us left the area.

We ran to a more remote area and began tagging the walls of an old building. There always seemed to be new buildings for us to paint on.

(I can't be bothered to write a whole scene of them just spray painting. soz)

Clem was really good at spray painting. She painted a gun surrounded by red roses. It was...really pretty.

On the way back Violet asked if we wanted to hang still. I had homework so I couldn't but Clementine was free so I said goodbye to them and got the bus home.

Word Count: 572

I got your back (Violetine)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin