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Natsu pov

Three days had passed since Luce had collapsed screaming in pain.
Now she seemed back to normal. Unnervingly normal. A smile seemed fixated on her face. She drifted around the guild hall like a ghost............arghh he was  probably thinking into this way too much.

Luce always pulled through,even after nearly dying multiple times she always returned to her self. Why would this be any different.

Natsu was almost always at the guild but today he had decdided to stay in bed, Natsu glanced at the wall that run right through the length of his house, a wall filled with old memories, pictures from some of their very first missions together and of course the maid dress she wore, when they infiltrated that weird old guys mansion filled with books.

He couldn't shake this feeling of unease that overwhelmed him whenever she was around though, it was like when they fought Tartaros. A feeling of stomach churning unease. Like a demon.
Even thinking that word to himself felt weird. It wasn't that long ago when he was a demon himself, and in a way he was still a demon. He'd been resurrected by his older brother with major issues. Now he was E.N.D but without all the weird demon stuff.

Being around Luce felt just like when he'd almost entered etherious mode, when he thought Luce had died. A sick feeling.

He'd told Gramps but he'd dismissed it as over thinking but Gramps face said something else. He was worried about her, everyone was.

Natsu signed heavily and flopped out of bed and drearily tugged his clothes on. It wasn't like him to think about things so deeply.

"Yo, Happy. Get up"  He yawned nudging the sleeping cat with his foot.
"We gotta get to the guild hall buddy"
"Natsuu" the sleeping cat said, stretching its wings and floating next to him, still half asleep "C'mon , happy I can't let that stupid perv gray take all the jobs" He shouted running out of the house, he heard Happy breathe a sigh of disappointment as he raced along side him.
All traces of Natsus worry vanished, he was just overthinking it.

Lucy POV

Lucy sat in the most quiet corner of the guild hall, staring once again into her tea. But instead of joy, trepadation and fear filled her. What was she now?
Lucy was smart. It wasn't like she hadn't noticed the other guild members grow uneasy around her, even if they themselves didn't know.
She sure felt different, in a way she felt stronger. But there was another thing she couldn't put her finger on.

The guild doors were flung open and Natsu marched in, happy in tow. It wasn't like them to come in so late in the day.
He just stood there at the missions board staring until he yanked something off, an S class quest, of course. "Yo, master I wanna do this one" natsu called waving it in the air
'870,0000 Jules, wow must be dangerous'  Lucy thought to herself, watching him with dull eyes.
"Are you out of your mind" Master fumed,waving his staff furiously
"What? The rest of Team Natsu can go if it makes ya feel better Gramps, most of us are all S class now"
Master narrowed his eyes considering his options "Did you even read it you idiot boy? If you choose that one, most of the damn guild has to go. A very powerful being was sighted just outside magnolia, the village where it was spotted is holding a fake festival to lure it in then kill it.
Obviously the villagers can't be bait. They're not strong enough"

Master said, the guild gasped "Master that would be totally awesome"
Most of the guild had risen to their feet and were now all pleading with him.
"C'Mon , grammmps" Natsu wheedled
"Oh alright fine. I guess it wouldn't be bad for us all to go on an outing" Master grumbled.
A collective cheer went up. It was set. They'd all go to the Village of petunia in a weeks time. Looking back Lucy wished she had never agreed. For accepting that quest changed my life forever

*Casually breaks fourth wall*

Also buds the title art is given to me by my buddy Dabbuboba, so don't reuse lmao.:)

P.s short chapter because YEET

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