Marble soda

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Lucy POV

Lucy smiled into her mug of tea, listening to the sounds of the bustling guild around her. The fight hadn't even ended that long ago and the members of the guild had already recovered, and repairs were under way.
Natsu and Gray were obviously bickering in the corner.
Gray was already in his boxers. It wouldnt been long until Erza came.
"Would you two stop acting like children for once!" a female voice shrilled.
Erza had already Marched up to them and was whacking them both with a spoon. Lucy giggled
'It was good to be home'

"Hey lu-chan" Another Voice called, a small girl with messy blue hair with an orange ribbon in it came bouncing over "Levy-chan" She said, as the other girl took the seat across from her.
Levy had a fluttery, distant look on her face.
Her face flushed
"Ohh Levy-chan, were you with Gajeel!" Lucy gushed wagging an accusatory finger at her "Lu-chan shushhh" The blue haired girl Injected , cutting her off "It isnt anything like that "
"Then what is it then huh" She chirped. Levy flushed a deep scarlet colour, her face rivaling Erzas hair "Its just that were dating now" She mumbled, twidling her thumbs
"Wahh Levy-chan, that's great" She squealed, grabbing the other girls hands "I'm soo happy for you Levy-chan"
Levy grinned, "I know right?! We are thinking about getting our own place and everything!" Lucy gasped "Wow you must really like him huh" She exclaimed, "He's just so scary you know" Lucy laughed and levy suppressed her giggles "He looks that way. But he's really a big softie"

Lucy opened her mouth again to speak but a sharp pain tore through her skull and she let loose a hair raising scream, it was worse than any thing she had ever felt before. But beneath the pain it vaguely felt like when she rewrote the Natsus book. Lucy fell to the floor, dimly registering her head thumping against the floor. White noise filled her head as her vision blackened, Through her darkened vision she saw the faces of Master, Levy, Erza and Natsu fill the sight, and she didn't even feel Wendy start to heal her. All she felt was a pair of strong arms pick her up and a familiar scent of burnt wood and charcoal fill her nose before everything went black.

Everything was black. She seemed to be floating in something. Like her body was suspended in thick jelly. Her limbs felt heavy. Lucy glanced around anxiously where the hell was she. Every thing was black, a black expanse that seemed to stretch into the horizon. Not that there was one. It was like a pitch black night with no sources of light but somehow she could see as if it were two in the day. Lucy shuddered this place felt wrong, it must be a dream....some sort of messed up nightmare.

Then something caught her eye, what looked like a glowing book. Suspended in this dark space with her. Could this be a way out of this horrible nightmare? Lucy swam through the sludge like substance. It was so close she stretched out a hand to touch it, feeling the cover of the leather bound tome, tracing the lettering with her finger. She felt her body grow lighter, she must be regaining consciousness, she glanced back at the book and for the first time recognising the words on the front.
It felt like someone had poured icy water down her entire being as she read the inscription.
The book of E.N.D

Lucy woke with a start, sitting up poker straight, breathing raggedly.
'The hell was that' she thought, she couldn't remember the night terror but she could still feel the sensation of the thick substance and that book.
"Lu-chan, your awake" Levy said,
Levy was sobbing, sitting in the chair opposite "We were all so worried you've been out for hours" Levy wailed, wrapping her arms around her " did I get here" Licy said looking around the fairytail guild halls infirmary. "Natsu carried you" Levy sniffed "He's over there, he fell asleep" Levy said pointing to another chair this time to the left of her. Natsu was seated with his arms crossed, snoring. Lucy smiled "What a dummy" She huffed
"Oi, who're you calling dummy, dummy" Natsu said grinning, now awake. Lucys smile faltered "I'm sorry" She said balling her hands in her sheets "I'm so useless"
"Woah, slow down Luce. You're not useless at all! I wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for you. You've saved all our lives before you dummy...." Natsu exploded, He opened his mouth again to shout but stopped with a concerned sigh. He reached out and grabbed Her hand in his, his much larger, warmer hand enveloping hers "Jeez Luce, your hands are like ice....anyways what happened back there"
"We're all super worried about you lu-chan" Levy jutted in leaning forward. 'It was nice having friends like this', Lucy commeneted to herself
"Well, I was talking with Levy-chan and then I got this really terrible pain in my head, it was a hundred times worse than anything Mary from avatar had ever done... I can't even begin to describe it. And then I fell over and felt Natsu picking me up and then I fell unconscious. And then in had this terrible nightmare, I was floating in some sort of black liquid and then there was this glowing book and I touched it and I came back here" Lucy explained slowly trying to remember every detail.
"Did the book say anything Lu-chan?" Levy asked intently.
" said...E...E something" Lucy pressed her hands to her face "I-I can't remember" She cried, she felt herself being once again enveloped in Natsus scent as he hugged her, She clutching at him in pure terror, she sobbed in his chest, she could dimly hear Natsu telling Levy to go tell the master about my nightmare in case it meant anything. Levy shut the door softly behind her. I rubbed my now swollen eyes with my hand "I'm sorry"  "Gah, im So stupid" I seethed. "I hate myself. I couldn't even remember what the damn book said for fucks sake"
I felt a weight dig into the mattress beside me, Natsu had sat beside me on the bed. He leaned against me his shoulder just above mine. "Jeez Luce, it isn't like you to swear like that eh?!" Natsu grinned, playfully punching me on the arm "C'Mon you're not stupid you're a lit smarter than me that's for sure"
"Well its not tough being smarter than you"  I giggled "Hey, what do you mean by that Huh!" Natsu raged, Natsu had such a knack for making people forget their worries. Lucy smiled to herself. But...even so I can't seem to shake this feeling of dread
Lucy lay back and listened to Natsu branch off into how he was better than gray and erza combined and was the smartest guy in the world.

She closed her eyes and wondered 'how much longer this happy time with natsu and all the guild would last'

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