Chapter 5

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Four days of training and a million books later, I'm practically an expert at herbology, camouflage, fire building, wood crafting, and anything that has to do with plants. Probably because the district I'm from. Now I have to perform all that I'm made of for the game makers, and most importantly, the top dog, Seneca Crane. I haven't really thought through everything I'm going to do, but I have it summarized down. I defiantly have to show them that I can hide through the entire games and survive on my own without killing anyone.

The moment I walk into the training room, I already feel the pressure of all the game makers' eyes staring into my soul. I walk to the center and and clear my throat. "Bella Odar, District 7." I walk over to paint station and gather different shades of brown and a few paint brushes. I then go over to the large bookshelf/mini library, and grab a camouflage pattern book and turn to a page with tree bark on it. I go back to the paint table and start to dip and dab, and stroke and smooth, until my entire body is brown and has a pattern of a tree.

I look in the reflection of the shiny glass floor to ensure that my work is complete. I then walk over to the largest tree in the center of the room and stand against it. I blended in perfectly. I think for a moment thinking that it may not be good enough for a good score, understanding that other tributes probably have done the same. I then reach for a branch in the tree and hoist myself up until I reach the edge where the tree bark reaches the green of the leafs. I go out onto the longest branch and hang by my legs until I am one with the branch. I hear the game makers gasp and then begin to applaud. Who knew 2 years of gymnastics could pay off for the hunger games?

I climb down from the tree and wash off my face and walk back towards the game makers. Seneca's eye catches mine and he smiles and winks. What a creep. I take a bow and wash the rest of the paint off and leave. Later when I got back, Oz, Sam, Marnia, and I sit around waiting for them to announce our results. This is when the phrase, "may the odds be ever in your favor" really count. Your score defines who you are. How smart you are, how strong, or how talented you are. Scores are also the key in the hunger games. The tributes will take a long look at you and your score and determine weather you're strong to team up with, weak enough to kill, or even weaker to just die on your own. It all comes down to this very moment. The number that can change the rest of my life, which may not be very long.

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