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Daveed's POV

I did it! I finally confessed! I finally after 5 months of being helpless for this girl, I confessed! Now for the hard part, asking her out on a date. "Hey Y/N?"

"Yeah?"She said looking back at me

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight to get something to eat. You wanna?"

"If your asking me out, then I have to say.... yes!" She said and jumped up to hug me. I hugged her back.

"Y'all are too cute." TJ said as she took a Polaroid of us and started shaking it. You notice Y/N start to blush and look away. I took her face with n my hand and turned her face towards me, slowly leaning down. I felt our lips meet. It was sweet but passionate. Y/N was the first to break.

"TJs still here. Let's wait a little."

"Okay. Also, promise me you won't use those razors or go buy new ones." I say staring at her.

"You know about that too?"


"Okay I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I ask holding out my parents pinky

"Pinky promise!" She said and connected her Pinky to mine.


Guys I'm really sorry these are getting smaller. I'm have a lot of writers block. I'm really really really sorry.

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