Chapter 02

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Sometime in the middle of texting and listening to music, I landed up drifting off for a while. I guess tiredness had taken over after seeing Jaden and Mateo. It stung that he didn't remember who I was. Sure, I didn't want him to remember me but still. We used to be best friends, how could he not remember me?

I grumbled softly under my breath and forced myself to get the thought out of my mind. I pushed myself off the bed and fixed my outfit and hair, to make it seem as if I hadn't fallen asleep. When I moved over to the window and pulled the curtain to the side, I blinked taken aback at the sight of nothing but black.

Damn, how long had I been asleep for? Not only was it dark outside but since I had just woken up and wasn't layered up so much, I could feel a small chill creeping up my spine along with the rest of my body. Although it was almost always hot here, I remembered the days I've spent here clearly as if they were yesterday, at night it was always chilly.

I grabbed a hoodie and pulled it over my head, a small smile twitching at the corner of my lips at the warm and cozy feeling the hoodie was bringing to me. After doing so, I move out of my room and looked at both sides of the hall. I couldn't help it that I felt like Jaden would pop up any second now and scare the shit out of me, laugh at me when I'd scream and jump back then pull me into a hug and tell me he remembered me perfectly. As if I were always his best friend.

I shook my head roughly and closed my eyes tightly for a couple of seconds. I needed to stop thinking about this. And now. I sucked in a deep breath, my chest rising as I did so, and let it out slowly at the same time my chest fell back to normal.

I could hear laughter and voices coming from downstairs. With my shitty luck, they were probably talking about me. About how Jaden knew who I was but was messing with me for God knows what reason. The thought made my stomach twist. He wouldn't dare do something like that, he wouldn't. I just knew it.

I crept down the stairs slowly and rubbed the back of my neck slightly as I slipped into the living room. Everyone was either sitting on the floor or on one of the couches, with either their heads thrown back or their bodies kneeled over as they laughed their heads of.

As I stood there watching them, I was pretty sure they hadn't realized I was there until a loud yawn escaped my mouth. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth, a force of habit. I always did that when yawning. My mom always said it was impolite if I did otherwise.

"Um, hi." I croaked out quietly, hating how weak and hurt I sounded. A lump formed in my throat and I swallowed it down, my eyes scanning each and every single person sitting down until they landed on the person I really didn't want to see. Jaden. I winced slightly when my eyes landed on him, hoping he didn't notice when he finally realized what or who everyone was staring at as he turned his attention to me as well.

Most of them waved at me but a couple of them replied with a 'hi' or a 'hey'. I turned my attention away from Jaden and focused it on Jada. I didn't need to cry. It was bad enough I had teared up a billion times since my arrival here, crying wouldn't do any good. Jada's gaze locked with mine and she gave me a warm and conforting smile, patting the empty spot next to her for me to sit.

"We were just about to watch a movie. It'd be nice if you watch it with us." Her smile only grew as she kept her gaze locked with mine. There was something in her eyes, something so familiar and comfortable. I just couldn't quite place my finger on it. I managed a small smile and dropped my arm back to my side, building up the small ounce of courage I needed to walk past Jaden to sit next to her.

And, believe it or not, I did it. I did it so easily it didn't even seem real to me. I sat crossed legs on the couch next to her and leaned back on the couch as Will slipped on the movie. Then I remembered, nobody knew who I was except the adults. I bit my lip softly and leaned over to whisper into Jada's ear. "Can you call me Aurora from now on?" I paused for a moment, hoping my voice wasn't too loud. "Please." I begged softly, a little bit of sadness hidden deep in my voice.

Jada glanced over at me when I finished what I needed to ask and pulled away. All she did was nod softly in response, if you were across the room, you wouldn't be able to tell that she had just nodded. I let out a small sigh of relief, or should I say a big one. It came out heavier than I expected.

The sound coming from the TV made me jump and let out a small scream. I heard laughted and I turned my attention to Jaden, to see that it was in fact him who had just laughed. I shot him a glare and rolled my eyes, sliding my arms into my hoodie and crossing them across my chest.

I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to the movie. It just... It didn't interest me at all. Any other day I would've told anybody who said a word to shut up, but now... I didn't care. My eyes were locked on the screen but my mind was somewhere else.

I heard someone get up off the floor and looked up to see Trey walking out of the living room. My eyebrows knitted slightly in curiosity as to where he was going but I quickly shrugged it off and diverted my attention back to the screen.

Not long after, he came back with drinks and chips for everyone. That's when everybody stood up, their voices boomed, grabbed some chips and a cup of soda before seating themselves somewhere else. While all that happened, I was here. Sitting down, my eyes never moving from where the TV was even though people were moving in front of it and not moving a single muscle.

"You want some?" A voice boomed quietly next to me, making my heart jump slightly in my chest and causing me to blink. I looked over to my right to see Jaden sitting there, with a cup of soda in one hand and another hand with chips in it, the one he had reached out towards me. I glanced down at them and then back at him. "No, but thanks." I forced a small smile and turned away from him, looking at the TV.

I blinked and glanced over to my left, to see Mateo there. I was a freaking sandwich. I held back a sigh and didn't look away until he looked at me. When he looked over, he did a double take before realizing I was staring. "What?" he asked in a whisper. "Can you go sit next to Jaden." It wasn't really a question. I was telling him too, not asking him too. Although I made it sound like a question.

A grin spread across his face and he didn't look away. "I'm good, maybe next time." And with those words out of his mouth, his head turned back to look at the TV, I've had enough. I didn't want to spend time with them earlier and I sure as hell didn't right now. I was a sandwich, pretty much squished between two people I did not want to be around at the moment. When they were across the room it wasn't so bad, I was next to Jada. But now? No thank you.

I moved around and slipped my arms back into the sleeves of my hoodie, banging both Mateo and Jaden in either the arm or the chest during the process. That earned groans from each of them and 'ouch!' coming out as quietly as possible from their mouths.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the chips out of Jaden's hand, shoving some into my mouth as I pushed myself up. "Hey!" Jaden shouted and that was the last thing I heard before I stalked out of the living room and headed upstairs into my room to sleep.

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