Chapter 06

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Note from Author: 
                                    Hey everyone! Nicole here, I am updating this because I feel like we've left you guys without an update for way too long. Personally, I will be having exam practice all through the year which is quite undeniably hard to go through and keep up with updating schedules for more than four stories. Whatever, I am back for now.
                                  That's all I guess. Comment, vote and fan! I love you guys and I'm sure Amal does too! :) xx

    "So, are you going to tell me what happened between you and Jaden back there?" Mateo finally asked me. I knew he would eventually ask me about it and he had every right to know about it. I just, for some reason didn't want to affect his friendship with Jaden. 

"You know, Jaden being flirty and that. I don't appreciate it" I said without hesistation because it was the truth. I didn't like the idea of anyone thinking I was just another desperate-for-recgonition girl with no brains, because honestly; I am the opposite of that. 

"He doesn't mean any harm Aurora, he really is nice. You should give him a chance and get to know him better" he offered and I had to bit down on my lip to stop myself from spilling the truth about Jaden and I. 

"So tell me about yourself" he said, his eyes still glued to the television. "Okay, well, I enjoy writing songs, a lot. I've written a few popular ones in my past. Skate boarding is my thing, so is eating and sleeping but whatever. That's it I guess. Tell me about you" I replied and grinned at him softly. 


Mateo's and I conversation in was interupted by Jaden coming into the living room with another girl. Shall I dare to call her a brat? Because she definitely looked like one. Once her gaze dropped on me her facial expression changed to a mix of irritation and disgust. Lord if she could read my mind, I'd probably have her crying right now.

Something about her annoyed me, the way she had her arm wrapped protectively around his waist and how she laughed fakely at something he had said, turning seconds later to shoot daggers my way. She was definitely fake, I didn't need fake friends. Scratch that, I didn't need any of Jaden's friends. 

Instead of voicing those thoughts, I smiled at her. "Oh, um, Aurora. This is May, May, this is-" Jaden started to introduce us but I cut him off. "I am Aurora, hi. I'd love to stay here and flashly compliment your appearance and indulge in small chat but I have much better things to do with my time. You might think I am a bitch but if it will stop you from trying to talk to me, then yes, I am a fucking bitch" I finished his sentence for him. I stood up and attempted to excuse myself from the room only to fell Jaden's grip on my arm but I quickly shook him off like his touch was acid and my skin would burn upon contact. 

"Where are you going?" he muttered close to my ear. I looked at him suddenly angered by not only his presence but his daft question. "You aren't that much of an idiot are you? As I just said, I have miuch better things to do than be in the presence of you" I spat unintentionally and left the room. 

Once I had arrived in my room, I sort of collasped onto my bed letting thoughts rush through my brain. I didn't mean to be so rude to Jaden but as my words ran through my mind I realised how horrible I had actually been. 

Not having the heart to see Jaden again, I decided to skip dinner. Though obviously, that plan seemed to crumble because soon around 7pm someone was knocking on my room door. 

"Who is it?" I asked as I slid my laptop off my lap and pushed myself off the bed. No answer. I decided to open the door anyways to find Jaden stood on the under side. Hood up blocking my view of his facial features. 

"What are you-" I started but he cut me off, not seeming to care much that he had stopped me from talking. 

"Is that you?" he asked and shoved a framed picture into my hands. I held the heavy metal in my hand and looked at the picture in confusion only to have it wiped off my face within seconds. I examined the picture even though I knew it was me. I was the girl on the left that had her lips pressed against Jaden's cheek and his hand was slung playfully over my shoulder. We were both very young. Much of Jaden's face was shielded behind his former locks of curly brown hair and so was mine, but we both looked geniunely happily. A feeling I hadn't seemed to experience since my arrival at his house. 

Our mothers were sat behind us, chatting away at whatever seemed to be interesting at the time. I couldn't help but run a finger over my mother's face. I could feel tears welling because I honestly hadn't been happy since her death. My mother meant the world to me and the minute she left everything seemed to crumble before me. Like my world was suddenly vulnerable, and had been under attack, only my world had no weapons or safety, she was my weapon, she was my safety. She was my everything. 

"Was that you... Georgia?" Jaden spoke up breaking me from my intense heartbreaking thoughts. 'How did he found out my real name?' I mentally asked myself but shook it off and let myself be pulled back into reality.

I took a gulp and weighed my options, I could lie to him or tell him the truth. Finally, I chose the latter option deciding I had nothing to lose. 

"Yeah, that was me and you" I finally croaked not bothering to look up but leaving my gaze glued securely on the decorated picture frame positioned before me. 


Finally! An update, and two author notes in one part. A not-so long update, urgh. Don't hate me ok. I just wanted to remind you all to like and comment your thoughts. It'd mean the world to me to find out what you think about the story, because it has been so long I had to change what actually happens.

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