Part 4

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Credit to Gif creator

Summary: Tommy's brothers hear a rumour regarding him and a certain baker's daughter and when he visits her after work he walks in on something terrible.

Word Count: 3340. This is a long chapter, much longer than previous chapters, but I think the content needed it.

Warnings: This is a pretty heavy chapter. There are descriptions of violent scenes, including violence against women and the lead up to sexual assault. Please read with caution.

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message/comment, I would love to know what you think.

Thomas walked into the Garrison, his feet feeling lighter than they had felt in years. Looking forward to wasting the next hour away with his brothers so he could soon leave and go visit (YN) as her workday drew to a close. Besides a few minutes in the morning, he hadn't seen them all day and after sending them off to various jobs around Small Heath he needed to catch up with them to see how things had gone. Stepping through the door of their private room, he was greeted with a cheesy grin from Arthur, "Ah Tommy, I've been waitin' for you to show up, there's been a rumour floatin' 'round 'bout you and I have to know if it's true."

Thomas gave his eyes a bit of a roll, but he couldn't control the tiny smirk from appearing on his lips. Sitting in a chair across from Arthur, he leaned back and took a cigarette from his tin, looking across to find John smirking at him too. Sitting there without a word, he lit the cigarette and drew in its smoke. When he finally lifted the cigarette from his lips he looked back to his eldest brother and cleared his throat, "And what rumours might they be, Arthur?"

Taking a rather large mouthful of his whiskey, Arthur placed the tumbler to the table with a thud, his eyes full of questions, "That you my brother have been seen spendin' time with a certain baker's daughter."

Tommy didn't answer, he just sat there with his cigarette between his fingers, watching his hand as it fidgeted with the small silver tin he had placed on the table, yet his eyes hinted to the truth. Growing impatient, John spoke for the first time, "C'mon Tommy, is it true?"

Tommy began to smirk, answering with a nod of his head. Arthur responding with a cheer, as he leaned across the table and slapped him across the shoulder, "You made quick work of that Tommy, she's only been back a day."

John almost sniggered, "What are you talkin' about Arthur, he's wanted that girl since they were kids," turning to Tommy, he continued, "It's about bloody time, you should have done it years ago."

Tommy couldn't deny it, from the moment he first laid eyes on her all those years ago he had wanted to make her his, wishing he could go back in time and make it so. Maybe then, when he returned from France his chest wouldn't have felt so empty and hollow, maybe she would have kept his debilitating nightmares at bay. And just maybe, she would have kept a piece of his younger self alive, giving him something worthwhile to live for and come home to. Yet, seeing (YN) yesterday through that dusty window for the first time in years, left Tommy feeling a flicker in those little lifeless pieces, as if she had breathed new life into them, giving them oxygen, light and energy to grow. Giving him back a long lost hope of gaining real content and honest happiness. Looking to John, he gave a half smile, "That girl has a name you know" and turning to Arthur, he continued, "And her name's not the 'baker's daughter' either." Then joining his hands together in a single clap, he added, "Now let's talk about work so I can get out of here."

Before they got down to talking business, Arthur added one more thing, "Well, before we do, you have to know, there's already a few men sniffin' 'round her door." Picking up his tumbler he emptied the whiskey down his throat, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, "The bastards haven't been 'round long enough to know she's off limits, we might have to pay em' a visit, Tommy."

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