Part 3

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: This chapter picks up where the last one left off, when Tommy is waiting for the reader out the front of her father's shop.

Word Count: 1584

Warnings: None

A/N: So, originally I only planned for about a four-part series, but I don't know what I was thinking. It's going to be a bit longer than that, let's just see where it takes us. Please feel free to let me know what you think, I would love to hear from you.

Thomas stood before (YN) in the middle of the street, watching as a smile played upon her features, her words slipping from her lips as if she did not intend to speak them, "Hello again Tommy, back for another visit already?" Unable to stop a smile of his own, he chuckled quietly, the woman before him was much more confident than the girl he remembered. Yet, her very own words brought an endearing blush to her cheeks, reminding him of that very girl he left behind over four years ago.

Wanting to reach out and run his fingers lightly across her blushing skin, he resisted, instead placing them into the pockets of his pants. Thomas could hardly believe what he was about to do, so many times before he left for war he imagined himself in these shoes, yet for one reason or another he never followed through. Pursuing other girls had never been a problem, he had always found it easy, but (YN) was different, something about her had always sent a nervous energy throughout his body. Never did he think he would ever get this chance again and even though she had those same nervous feelings pulsing through his veins, he wasn't about to let her slip through his fingers this time. Clearing his throat he answered her question, his voice holding just a hint of amusement, "Yes... tomorrow was too far away." (YN)'s eyes fell to the ground and again he watched as her cheeks blushed adorably, waiting for her to look back up before continuing, "If I remember correctly, you like horses, eh?" (YN) gave him the sweetest smile, her surprise that he remembered such a trivial thing written all over her beautiful features. Biting her bottom lip, she gave her head a little nod, waiting for him to continue, "Well, I thought I would take you to see my new horse," and after a quick moment of silence he added, "If you like?"

(YN) nodded her head and smiled, "I would like that very much." Thomas exhaled a breath he didn't realise he was holding and the man who had barely shown any emotion since returning from France, almost felt a smile spread from ear to ear at her answer. Extending his elbow towards her, he gestured to his car, which was parked a little further up the street and as she wrapped her arm softly around his he felt his heart beat faster in his chest, her contact sending a strange feeling of satisfaction around his body.

Conversation on the way to the stables was surprisingly easy, the nerves they both felt came more from anticipation than anything else and once they began talk of childhood memories the conversation flowed. "Remember when Jack O'Grady asked your father if he could court you," Thomas chuckled at the memory, "You must have only been about fifteen at the time and I'll never forget your father's glare, it alone was almost enough to kill the kid." (YN) threw her head back and laughed, god how he had missed that sound and hearing it made him feel like he was in a dream, one that he never wanted to wake from.

With laughter still lacing her voice, she spoke, "Oh, that poor boy, he was the first and last boy to ever ask, between my father and you, no one else even bothered, not until I moved to my Uncles at least." (YN)'s words got away from her once again and she wondered what was wrong with her, why did she keep speaking her thoughts aloud? She was starting to think it wasn't unexpected confidence at all and more just nervous slips of the tongue. Clearing her throat, she felt her face and neck burn red, embarrassed she took a glimpse at Thomas to measure his reaction and found his eyes trained to the road ahead, watching him swallow thickly, before looking at her. With his piercing blues eyes, he studied her features, as if trying to work out how she knew about that and whether or not she was upset about it.

Yet after a few seconds, he gave her a small smile training his eyes back on the road, before replying, his voice tinged with either jealousy or protectiveness, she wasn't quite sure, "Well, I'm sure your Uncle received many knocks on his door the day you moved in."

Bringing the car to a stop, Thomas hopped out and made his way around to the other side. Opening the door he offered her his hand and giving him a smile she wrapped her fingers gently around his, before stepping out onto the ground. Reluctantly he felt her let go, though before long she entwined her arm with his and began walking close by his side, immediately bringing that same feeling of satisfaction again. The walk itself was over far too soon and before he knew it she had slipped her arm from his, making her way through the stable doors, leaving him wishing he had parked much further away.

When her eyes fell upon the horse, he heard her intake of breath as her legs carried her quickly across the stable. With a gentle hand, she extended it towards the horse's snout waiting for him to respond. After a short moment, the horse inspected her hand before pushing his snout into her palm, bringing the most stunning smile to her lips, Thomas grinned, "I think he likes you."

Leaning against the edge of the stall, he watched as she patted along the horse's mane, loving that she looked so happy and at ease around the stallion, "I like him too, he is absolutely beautiful, what's his name?"

Thomas answered, "Monaghan's Boy, he'll be running his first race this week," however, as he watched on his thoughts began to stray, unable to believe that the beautiful woman before him was still unmarried or at the very least engaged.

(YN) nodded her head and smiled, "Well, I don't know much about horse racing, but he's a fine looking horse." Smiling a little at her words his expression turned serious, his hand fidgeting with a coin in his pocket, he had a question dancing on the tip of his tongue, yet it couldn't quite make it past his lips. (YN) turned to him, her expression curious, her eyes taking in his hesitant features, "Tommy, what is it?"

Clearing his throat, he stood up straight, no longer leaning against the stall, his voice quiet but clear, "How are you not married...? You must have had many offers over the past few years... do you not want to?"

(YN)'s expression grew timid, her eyes falling to the ground, but after a moment he watched as she inhaled deeply before returning her gaze to him, her expression still nervous and unsure. "Of course I want to be married and yes there were a few opportunities," Thomas felt his fists clenching in his pockets at the thought, though his features gave nothing away. And after a few seconds of restless silence, she spoke again, her gaze anxious and her voice barely a whisper, yet the words rang loud in his ears, "But none of them were you."

Thomas didn't know how to react, never did he think six little words could transform him so much, he had almost forgotten what happiness felt like, the war had seen to that. Sure, there had been happy moments since he arriving back home, but they were only fleeting, barely grazing the surface. This, on the other hand, came from his very core, burning throughout every limb, touching every surface of his body, rendering him momentarily useless. Until... his eyes finally focused, taking in her nervous and vulnerable state, breaking him from his reverie.

(YN) stood there, her expression helpless, looking lost and alone as she waited quietly for his response. And what must have only been a couple of seconds instead felt like a year. Thomas stood still, his features unreadable and she wondered whether she had made a mistake, wishing she could take back her words, but it was too late, it was done.

As her eyes dropped back to the ground, she heard herself sigh with dread and as her lips began to form an apology she looked back up to see him close the gap between them. Stopping before her, he didn't speak, his eyes filled with an intensity she had never seen before, bringing strange yet wonderful shivers to every inch of her blushing skin. Reaching across he pulled her towards him with a hand to the nape of her neck, tangling his fingers in her (HC) hair, his other hand grabbing on to her waist holding her tight against him. (YN) didn't know how someone's touch could be urgent and yet so tender, but it was, sending any coherent thoughts from her head. Looking up into his eyes left her breathless, her heart pounding loudly in her chest as his lips made their way to hers. Again there urgency in his actions, his lips moving against hers with such passion and intensity, yet somehow filled with complete tenderness. When he pulled away, he moved his hands to the side of her face, running his thumbs softly across her cheekbones, resting his forehead gently against hers. Taking a moment to steady his breath, he finally spoke, his words bringing sweet shivers to her skin once more, "I have wanted to do that for the longest time."

Please feel free to let me know what you think, I would love to hear from you.

Something So Strong (Thomas Shelby x Reader) Completed Mini-SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now