Chapter Four

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"Say...the sheets ain't in here!" Fuzzy grunted with frustration.

The closet that stood open in front of them was a huge mess. But no sheets, pillows, or even blankets were even inside. Fuzzy was about to slam the door shut but Top Hat got in between the door and the doorframe.

"I'll go and check inside some more." The Amoeba leader said as he floated into the dark closet. Fuzzy then pulled back the door to allow some of the light from the windows to get into the closet.

Top Hat could be heard rummaging through some of the things inside, and then all of a sudden Fuzzy winced at the sound of something crashing inside. He then heard Top Hat let out the classic 'oops' with his voice muffled underneath some of the things.

After what felt like a long while, Fuzzy saw the familiar shade of blue peek out through one of the equipment.

Top Hat was pulling on something.

"I found..." He strained his voice as he continued yanking on something.

Fuzzy then grabbed hold of whatever the amoeba was pulling and yanked it along with ease. Top Hat then got hold of the object as it flew directly towards him. ""

A sheet, a dusty one to be exact.

"Come on now." Fuzzy closed the closet door. "Ya think Seth knows another place where we could get em' sheets from?"

Top Hat shrugged, giving Fuzzy an unsure answer. "Dunno, but at least this one's thick enough for us to rest on it."

"Hey, at least we found one."

Fuzzy shook his head. "That doesn't really make things better though."

And with that, the two monsters decided to make their way back to their room where Violet, Poncho, and Seth were at. They turned back but then they both paused.

"Say, what's that?" Top Hat pointed out at something in the darkened corridor.

There didn't seem to be anyone with them, all they saw was something glistening through the moonlight's shine.

Fuzzy approached whatever Top Hat pointed at and bent down to get a closer look at it.

"Why on Earth could this lil' piece of metal be doing out here, and...ain't that blood?" Fuzzy lifted up a piece of metal, no bigger than an inch. It wasn't thin but it wasn't too thick either. It was coated in a brown-reddish substance.

"Blood?" Top Hat floated to Fuzzy's side.

"I dunno about you, but I think it be blood." Fuzzy threw the piece of metal away from him, wiping his hand on his trousers to get the substance off his fur.

"It's probably rust." Top Hat said skeptically.

Fuzzy furrowed his eyebrows at the amoeba before pointing his finger further down the dark corridor, opposite the direction they're headed.

"Tell me, does that look like rust to you?"

Top Hat gasped.

Something dark was smeared against the wall, it looked as if it was still wet.

"Good heavens, what on Earth happened?"

Fuzzy shook his head before standing up. "Somethin' doesn't feel right,"

"We should head back."

"Agreed." Top Hat nodded before they both turned in the other direction.


"What?" Sedusa snapped at the thirteen-year-old girl, who had been staring at her ever since Keisha had left the room. Princess flinched from the booming voice of the taller irritated woman, but she still pursued with her staring.

Nightfall's Visitor - A Powerpuff Girls Z fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now