Chapter Eight

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 I was lying in Addison's bed, unable to sleep. My mind was reeling. Erik finally told us what he saw, it was worse than any of us had imagined. Dara, my little sister, was in a cult. Not just any cult either, a black magic cult. He said there were at least ten other people there and they all knew the plan to kill me. He recognized a couple of kids from school, but most of the people there were older.

There were at least a dozen people that wanted me dead.

That was a hard pill to swallow. It was why I was upstairs while Addie and Erik were at the lake, trying to come up with a plan. They both wanted me to tell my family, but I couldn't. I didn't want anyone else to know. Honestly, it was embarrassing. Was I that terrible that people I didn't even know wanted me dead? I must be because Daniel left the state because he hated me so much, my own sister wanted to kill me, and I risked my friends lives on a daily basis.

"They're in a deep like Satan-Worshipping meets Hoarders. They all wore these masks, once Vayne and Dara got there, so I saw some of their faces, but it's hard to tell who is who. Then, they sacrificed a goat and spread the blood over their bodies." I remember Erik shivering when he told us this. He had been freaked out too.

"The leader, I think they called him Master, started speaking very bad Latin, and they all joined hands. There were black candles, chicken bones, and Satan idols everywhere. There was this one chick, who started speaking in tongue. I think she thinks she's a vessel of Lucifer. It got really freaky," he didn't want to go into detail on what that meant.

"After all that was over, they talked about their plan. Honestly, I think killing you is some sort of sacrifice Dara has to make, like an initiation into this cult. Whatever it is it's only a small part in whatever it is they're planning." Even if it was something Dara had to do, she still was willing to kill me. It didn't loosen the blow that my death was just a small part to their plan.

I heard Addie and Erik on the other side of the door. They were talking about me. Sighing, I rolled over, waiting for them to enter the room.

"We can't just burst in there," Addie told Erik in a somewhat hushed whisper.

"Well, we can't let her wallow in there all night." Erik doesn't try to hide his true feelings. Of course, he doesn't understand why I am as upset as I am. Then again, I didn't really try to explain it to them.

"You guys, just get in here already." I bellow halfheartily. There's no point in listening to them go on and on. I might as well rip the bandaid off. There's a moment of silence, like they're trying to figure out their options. Then, Erik pushes open the door. The two of them slowlt step inside. I sit up, clutching the blankets to my chest for security. I've been crying and they can obviously tell.

"We just wanted to talk to you about maybe telling everyone about Dara and her scary friends." Addie tries to put it delicately. I groan. I do not want to tell anyone.

"Hear us out," Erik pleads. "We are going to need help with this. I don't know about your magical abilities, but I can't take on ten other people: magical or otherwise." He is right. If everyone from Dara's cult came after us we wouldn't win. Yet, that bit of information didn't sway me.

"Let me think about it, okay? I just need a day or two." They shared a look with each other but eventually nodded. Erik excused himself and Addie left to take a shower. Once again, I was left by myself.

I heard Erik and Addie on the other side of the door. From the sound of it, they were arguing on whether or not to open the door. I rolled on my side, facing the door. They meant well, so I decided to help them out.

"Just open the door already," I exclaimed half-heartedly. There's a moment of silence, then the door is pushed open. Erik and Addie are standing next to each other, not moving past the threshold.

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