Chapter Seven

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I woke up with my notebook pressed against my cheek. It caused an indentation of the metal spiral to rub against my teeth. It wasn't the best feeling in the world, but at least I woke up this morning. Every day was a day Dara didn't win. I rubbed at my cheek, pulling the covers off me. For a moment, I forgot where I was. Then, the night before played on a loop in my mind.

Addison's house - that's where I was.

She didn't have a bathroom in her room, so I rushed across the hall. My bladder was beyond full. Quickly, I washed my face and hopped in the shower. It was Saturday, which meant no school. I was thankful that I didn't have to face another school day. I'm not sure what time it is, but it felt early. When I get out of the shower, I pull my old clothes on.

Of course, I had left my duffle bag in Addie's room. My clothes stuck to my damp skin, but I managed. Tiptoeing back into Addie's room I found out it was only eight o'clock in the morning. I tried to wake Addie up, but she was comatose. After about fifteen minutes, I gave up and went downstairs.

As I walked through her house, I realized no one was awake. Oddly enough, it was refreshing to be the only one up. I was wearing jeans, a ratty t-shirt, and my boots. It was cold outside, so I grabbed a jacket that was hanging up by the back screen door. I had been over a lot and I knew which jacket wouldn't be missed. It was a baggy zip-up maroon jacket. I think it was Addie's moms.

I cracked open the back door, then waited. I listened to see if anyone was going to protest at this action. No one seemed to mind that I was going outside. Again, relief washed over me. I wasn't being watched and there wasn't anyone hovering behind me wondering what I was doing. I took a deep breath in, then proceeded outside. It was such a minor thing: going outside, but it meant so much to me.

My feet crunched against the dewy grass and the soft snow that had fallen early in the morning. The lake was icy around the edges, but ripples broke the fragile pieces apart. The lake was tantalizing in its own way, but a place I wouldn't wander often. I can't explain my fear of water, but it was almost too noticeable at this moment. You could tell the way I and the lake played cat and mouse that at least one of us was afraid of the other.

Every time, there was a slight wave, I took a step backward, almost purely instinctually. Erik and Addie don't understand my fear of the lake, but to me, it makes perfect sense. I had seen too many times what water could do. Its unyielding power was pure and insatiable. It reminded me of everything I was afraid of. Water was just so unsettling -- literally.

After a couple of laps around the lake, I settled for a spot to sit down. I grabbed the notebook and started to sketch. It felt good, the pencil in my hand. The noise the came from the lead against the paper. It was familiar and I needed that right now. I focus on lines and shapes and shading and nothing else.

My mind moves to that place: drawing.

I don't think about magic and in this drawing, I am not a Witch. Nothing really matters in this drawing. Dara isn't trying to kill me. Daniel and Erik don't even exist. In this drawing everything and everyone is at peace. It takes me a while to realize what I am drawing: my utopia.

It's a nature scene with only animals and plants in it. As far as the drawing is concerned, there are no humans. As far as the drawing is concerned people just add chaos. I continue to draw and add detail to my utopia. I am so focused I don't realize I have company.

"Hey," it's Erik. I flinch because I wasn't expecting anyone. He takes it personally and moves a step back, his hands raised. "I'm sorry," he stammers.

"No, it's okay. I'm just jumpy because of the whole Dara-thing." I gesture to everything around me. He nods, understanding instantly.

"Why are you out here alone?" It never occurred to me that this might not be the safest idea. I am about halfway between Erik and Addie's house. I set the sketchbook down, closing my drawing.

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