Chapter Six

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The bell rang, making me flinch — again. I was paranoid for sure, but I had a good reason to be. Dara wanted me dead. Well, not just that, she wanted to kill me. How have things gotten so twisted? I racked my brain for a time where Dara and got alone, I couldn't think of any.

I packed up my things and rushed out the door. My sneakers skidded on the linoleum. They're a tad too big, but I thought I should start wearing sneakers in case I need to run away from Dara and Vayne. Although, I doubt running away would stop them. I wish I knew what Dara's main power was.

I entered the cafeteria, my eyes scanning the rows of tables. I accidentally made eye contact with Ivelyn. I gulped, which made her roll her eyes. Hopefully, she stays at her table. When I noticed Troy sitting next to her, I knew she was staying put. I didn't really see why she was so into him. Sure, he was gorgeous, but Salem was full of unnervingly attractive guys.

I shake my head, returning to look for Erik and Addie. Once I see them, I rush over. Erik sees me first and for a second I think I see him blush. No, I doubt he blushed. Can he even blush? It must just be this horrible fluorescent lighting. I drop my bag at their feet and slide into the seat next to Addie. They're both dressed in all black outfits. The three of us together look like an all-goth table. I fidget with the tattered ends of my black knit sweater.

"What's up?" Erik asks, his voice is wary. I take a deep breath in. He mirrors me and exhales.

"I don't know how to say this," I muttered, mostly to myself.

"You're scaring me," Addie confesses next to me. My fingers dance with the coiled wire wrapped tightly around the Amulet. All of which is offering a nice distraction to what I am about to tell them.

"I'm terrified," I start. Crap, that's not what I meant to say. My stomach flips as my words jumble out. I should eat something, but I am too wired. "Last night," Erik tenses. Then I tell them and every word sounds wrong. I even tell them about Vayne and Dara making out. This gets a shiver from Addie. When I was finished they sat there quietly. It was a lot to process. I still didn't know how I truly felt about it all.

I waited for Erik to say something logical or for Addie to offer support. Time dragged on slowly as they pondered the news. I was extremely aware of the people that passed us. Every time someone walked by, my eyes shot up making sure it wasn't Dara or Vayne. I was beyond paranoid. Honestly, I am not sure what I would even do if either of them showed up.

"Wow," Addie breathed out next to me. "Your sister," she started.

"Wants you dead?" Erik finished in disbelief. I cracked my knuckles in response. "I knew she was troubled, but this is--

"Really intense." I finished for him. "I don't know what to do. I don't think I slept at all last night." I could see the guilt in Erik's eyes. It wasn't his fault. Even if he had walked me to the door, she still was plotting to kill me.

"Well, I think it goes without saying that you can't go back there tonight." Erik puffed up, his leather jacket almost bursting at the seams. I go to roll my eyes, but I stop. I'm thankful he said that. If I am being completely honest, I don't want to go home.

"He's right, you should stay with me." Addie offers. Her kindness never ceases to amaze me.

"My stuff--

"I can go to your house after school and grab some things." Erik shrugs like it's no big deal. I almost die right there at the thought of Erik rummaging around my dresser to find my clothes. Petrified, I search for help from Addison.

"No way Erik, you wouldn't even know what to bring." This comes from Addie as she chides him for even thinking that was okay. She always comes to my rescue. I let myself laugh and relax my shoulders. Everything will be okay, my mind repeats on a loop. It will be okay because it has to be.

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