The True Nature Of What's Done

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Things as they were, they weren't as before, things had fallen apart, everyone had lost their hope, some still trying to believe there would be a way out but all The Monster would let them see is how close to bringing what he wants is near to be the end.

Quentin can't take it anymore, he didn't knew if it was right to even mix that terrible feeling he used to have back when he used to take medication to make himself feel better, because all that anxiety was a big weight and burden left to left depression sink in, one more Monster that he couldn't beat, he was restless, faceless, accompanied with a whiskey that he had never drank before left with Julia try to make him a bit hopeful.

Julia: Quentin, you can't go on like this, we haven't lost.

Quentin: How can u even say that, look, we haven't accomplished anything, all we keep doing is fail and all The Monster keeps doing is win, i have helped but nothing seems to make anything easier or well Eliot still stuck there.

Julia: Look, we have tried to find Enyalius, The Monster got too him first and the Leprechaun and it was a mistake, it happens, with all the darkness i've gone through , look there's still hope to bring my Goddess powers back, there's still something out there, look Margo is back with the axers, she didn't gave up and she loves Eliot so much and you know she does and you also, fine, i know you've suffered and it's a lot of pain, no rest, like we could all use a spa day.

Q: (giggles) it's just every time i try to fix something, it's like other something gets back just, like the whole world wants me to fail and be sad and sometimes i lose myself and here i am with a bottle of whiskey that probably El wouldn't like cause hes the king of cocktail and i miss him so badly.

J: If he's in your heart and in your soul and you feel connected then gather all that strengh, look the monster may well still be winning but how long can he always gain it, there's gotta be a way, remember The Beast, how did we managed?

Q: Alice died but she came back but i don't want anyone else to die this time, i just want some peace and comfort , i want life to simple for just one day, like is it to much to ask for.

Suddenly The Monster pops in making everything weird and awkward.

The Monster: Hi, i am back.

Q: We can see that.

The Monster: How's my fav accomplice?, what is is that you're holding?, can i have some?

Q: It's just something i poured.

Julia gives eye contact for her to give it and Q does it.

The Monster: It takes weirdly awesome, every drink i seem to taste, it's almost like a party inside, like a battery on a phone, do you guys feel that too?

Q: Yeah it's awesome right, it's um very energetic for your mission.

The Monster: Aww Q you know how to take care of me, i like you, i like you so much.

Julia: So are u good?

The Monster: Who is this Quentin?

Q: This is a friend, it's my friend, Julia, we go on like since a long time, she's friendly, she's here to help.

The Monster: You know, i saw her, minutes ago, with that tanned guy, Penny and they were doing this thing with their mouths.

Q: Did you kissed Penny.

J: Maybe yeah.

Suddenly Penny walks in frightened , something was going on.

Q: Oh we were just talking about you.

Penny: You guys need to getaway from him, he's here for something, Julia back off.

Q: What is he talking about?

The Monster: I came back, wait, where am i, i feel a little uhm. ( the monster fainted, he was drunk)

Penny gets surprised, his plan went just like he wanted.

Penny: Guys he found his sister, he's gonna bring her back and he needs a strong body, i think Julia's and we need to do something.

Quentin reacts deeply scared and frustrated.

Q: Let's tie him up to a chair.

So they all tie The Monster on a chair.

Penny: I think Julia should go to Brakebills, there she would be saved.

Q: It's a good idea, what am i suppose to do, we, i mean who stays.

Penny: You stay, you have more , you have seen what The Monster has done and i've told you his plan, look i'm traveler, i'll take Julia there and then i'll come back, you try to improvise, you can do this.

Quentin: Fine, but come back quick.

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