Ch8 take care of yourself, butthole

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Rin's POV:
I walked in and checked in with the lady at the front who seemed to give me a slight stink eye to which I rolled my eyes at as I could guess she had knew I was here for the Yondaime. It seemed she felt threatened by my presence or something.

"You may see him" she grumbled out realizing I had Naruto. I gave her a smile only to piss her off,

'Mind your own business' I thought as I walked through the halls searching for the right door. 'Ah this is it'

I knocked before hearing a muffled "enter"

I opened the door only to snicker as I saw Minato's head on his desk as piles of paper were surrounding him. The snickering ended quite quickly as I remembered he hasn't eaten at all and has been stuck here with no breaks. I sighed and walked towards the desk as Naruto began to babble which made Minato lift his head. He gave a tired smile when he saw Naruto, but glanced at me...

I can understand, even I'm still uneasy about what had happened. Averting my eyes, I walked towards his desk, Naruto in one arm. Naruto reached for Minato and immediately, Minato grabbed him taking him into his arms as he bounced lightly before giving me a small smile. I simply hand out the lunch box.

"What's this?" He asked blinking at it. I muttered,


I glanced at his confused face, skin pale, bags under eyes and slightly thin. I looked away and said,

"You haven't rested well, neither have you eaten" I grumbled more feeling a bit angry at him for not taking better care for himself.

"You look and smell like poop" I said not wanting to curse around Naruto. I then walked around the desk as he stared at me not really knowing what to do next. I reached out my hand towards his face and,

Grabbed his ear pulling it making him yelp as he tighten his hold on Naruto a bit. I angrily ranted,

"You dummy! You can't just stay here for days! I get it's your duty as the hokage! But!" I heard Naruto beginning to laugh loudly as I continued "you have a son! A baby that YOU have to spend time with!! Even more you have to at least eat something! Hell!! I could have came here and see you rotting on the floor!! For the love of- you can take a small break at least every once in a while. It wouldn't kill you to have a small break!!" I took a large breath as Minato kept flinching at the pulling. I let go of him and placed a hand on his shoulder softly muttering,

"Take care of yourself, butthole"

Minato sat there with a giggly Naruto, eyes wide and mouth open as he tried to process what I just did. I glared at him before flicking his forehead. He let out a small "ah" before touching his forehead. I then said

"After lunch you are coming home with me got it!" My voice came out firm. He opened his mouth to object before I cut him off in a more darker tone "I said got it"

He immediately nodded sensing I was in no mood none of his crap. I nodded and took Naruto whom was babbling at me. I sat on the couch with Naruto in my lap as Minato began to open his lunchbox. He stared at it in awe and hunger and immediately started eating after we heard a small rumble as I scoffed.

I kept Naruto occupied by taking out his fox toy from my bag and giving it to him. He gave a squeal seeing it. Minato began to scarf down his food, I snorted as he turned to look at me, one cheek full of food and bits of rice around his mouth. He then said

"Miff ib reamy goob! (this is really good)"

I sighed and said "don't talk with your mouth full" he still began to eat even more quickly, only to choke causing me to angrily yell out "And eat slower!!!"

I huff seeing him slowly eat his food trying to force himself not to speed up. A small smile is placed on my lips. Seeing someone indulge in food with joy brings memories of home cooked meals with my parents and siblings....
We were now walking out the building, the woman who I had to check in with kept giving me that look. Minato didn't seem to notice, nor did I care enough to pay attention to her. I was more worried and tired. Once we get home I'm ordering Minato to get a day off. Either way, I just hope Naruto will be more happy when Minato is home to spend time with him, after he rests of course.

As we walked Minato looked a bit more refreshed since it was slightly breezy...

Once we got home, of course, I ordered him to get to bed while I get Naruto and myself ready for bed. Minato trudged upstairs tiredly as I gave Naruto his bottle, changed his diaper and now waited for him to get sleepy which happened quite quickly. His eyes slightly shutting staring at me as I gave him a small smile while humming. I placed him on my shoulder heading upstairs and into his room. By the time I got to his room he was deep asleep and with that I placed him in his crib and head downstairs to the couch. Flopping down and placing the blanket over me as I shut my eyes.

I swear if Minato doesn't take the break I'm going to drag his ass back to his bed and chain him.
I woke in the middle of the night to hear a thump, Snapping my eyes open and looking around trying to find the source...

Getting up I tiptoed my way up the stairs and listen closely before opening Naruto's room to see him sleeping soundly in his crib. I sighed in relief and moved on towards Minato's room, I opened the door only to see Minato looking a bit confused staring down at the floor. I walked towards him placing a hand on his shoulder which made him look at me. I asked,

"Are you alright?"

Still confused he answered "yes" then said,

"I guess I rolled over a bit more than I intended and fell off the bed" he sheepishly smiled. I sighed and rolled my eyes a bit before helping him up, I then asked,

"Would you like some tea? It'll help you relax and get sleepy" he peeked up at this and nodded. I then quickly said in a hushed voice,

"Please be quite, Naruto is still asleep"

He nodded and we both head out of his room and downstairs quietly.

It seems he was still out of it as he bumped into the table making me glare and shush at him, he immediately placed his hand on the back of his neck giving me an apologetic smile. I huffed in annoyance and went to the kitchen heating up water to make the tea while he sat at the table staring at a picture on the wall which was of himself and Kushina. He looked at it as if he never even noticed it was there before. As if it was the first time he ever saw it....

A/N-whoop whoop

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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