Ch6 A day with Kakashi

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What Rin looks like ^^
Rin's POV:
Minato had left before giving Naruto a lot of kisses and a small smile.

I began to get myself and Naruto ready for today. Before dressing Naruto, I checked his diaper and placed a new one on. Now Naruto has a shirt on and overalls. I giggle at how he played with the straps, I then picked him up and my bag that has his baby bottles full of formula for him if he gets hungry, baby wipes and diapers. I then heard a slight knock at the door. Getting up I opened it to see Kakashi in his anbu mask and outfit.... I mean I know it's his duty to watch me but he can try to wear comfortable clothings....

Either way, I gave him a small smile and said "we're ready to go!"

Kakashi looked a bit uneasy at Naruto but began to walk with me as I closed the door and locked it then headed towards the stores.  Some of the buildings were surprisingly finished and had goods in them already. Some were still being repaired, as I walked with Naruto in my arms as my the bag straps slightly fell off my shoulders but still held on. Naruto continued to look around curiosity filled his eyes.

Some of the villagers stared at the three of us walking, some stared at me while others had most of their attention towards Naruto, some slightly glaring and had looks of fear. Others either ignored us or began to whisper to each other. They knew not to mess with neither of us since of course, Naruto is the son of the Yondaime and I am his caretaker. There is also the fact that I have an elite anbu next to me.

We entered a shop that held baby items and clothing for children, Toys as well. The owner of the store looked at us uneasy, specially at Naruto. I knew why of course, why everyone felt this way despite knowing he is important to Minato... fear drives people... fear controls how we look at some situations..

I looked through the clothes handing some to Kakashi so he can hold. Naruto in one arm as I sorted through the clothings, specifically orange clothings. But I did throw some yellows, maybe a bit of black as well. I also chose some cute pajamas to keep him warm at night.

'Now some toys, of course some stuffed animals, rattles, blocks (large ones so that he doesn't choke on any)' I thought placing said items in Kakashi's hands, 'Now for some learning things, books, crayons, word blocks (slightly large), that box that has shapes on it and the blocks that are the shapes where you have to place them i- you know what I'm talking about'

I noticed Naruto blabbing at a fox plush slightly reaching for it. I smiled and grabbed it showing it to him as he squealed. I walked to the owner ready to pay as she got our bags glancing at us every now and then. I took my wallet out before a hand stopped me, I looked at Kakashi as he took out his own wallet saying

"I'll pay" with guilt seeping in I immediately said "no it's ok I'll-"

Kakashi has cut me off with a more sharp tone saying once again "I'll pay"

I nodded not wanting to argue with the moody teen. I gave Naruto the Fox plush as he immediately starts to smile at it making funny faces. Kakashi then nudged me a bit showing he is ready to leave with the bags in one hand. I smiled saying,

"Thank you Kakashi"

He nodded and we left the store leaving the uneasy owner muttering a "have to keep an eye out for them"

We began to walk to another store so that I can get some clothing for myself. Of course I did the same thing holding Naruto in one arm while giving Kakashi some clothes that I want. I limited my self to a couple of clothes. I did not want to waste his money. All were easy movable clothings, we paid and again left to walk around. I then turned to Kakashi and asked "would you like to go anywhere?"

He shrugged but pointed towards the store that holds most weapons. We entered the shop but Kakashi simply glanced at me and said "wait here"

I nodded and stayed where I was....

I then noticed a small boy, he was with a woman whom had a baby in her arms as she went ahead and bought the weapons for her son most likely.... 'that looked like....'

She noticed me and the boy in my arms before smiling sadly and walking up to me.

"I see the Yondaime has found someone to watch over his son. That's wonderful..."

She noticed my confused face and said "Ah I'm sorry... I'm Mikoto Uchiha-" she then gestures to the young boy next to her and the baby in her arms "that's my eldest son Itachi Uchiha, while this little one is Sasuke Uchiha"

I smiled at Itachi as he gave a small bow, I then looked at the baby in her arms.

"They're both very adorable, this is Naruto and my name is Rin Akiyama" I showed her Naruto as she smiled gently at the sleeping boy in my arms.

"Babies are quite a hassle....but it's worth seeing them grow" she says staring at her own. I smiled and whispered

"It is"

We bid each other goodbye as I saw Kakashi approaching with a small bag with the others. I gave him a closed eyed smile and asked

"All done?"

He gave me a nod.

We both began to walk back home as it was now the afternoon.... the villagers all seemed to have gone home. Some still stayed out but did not give any glances towards us. Not that we cared, Kakashi kept glancing at me most likely because I was talking to the head of the Uchiha clan's wife. I simply kept my eyes on the road ahead and glanced at Naruto to see him awake and looking around. Most likely wondering if we were going anywhere else new to him.

We finally reached home as Kakashi took the keys out and opened the door for me. I thanked him and walked through exclaiming

"We're finally home Naruto!!"

He giggled in response before a rumble was heard.
I glanced down at him as he had a small pout in his adorable face. I gave him a grin and was about to get his bottle ready before someone tapped my shoulder, I turned seeing Kakashi staring at me before awkwardly held his hands up and asked

"Would you like me to hold him while you prepare his food?"

A/N- Freaking adorable!!!!

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