ch 1 A cry of a new born

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Note// im using my oc Rin akiyama ~author-san
Rin's look: long braided black hair
Black eyes. Same height as Kakashi in his anbu years. But she has a look of a mother. Gentle and fragile. But she is strong.
She got em curves.
Personality: shy, kind and sweet to those whom she sees as family or innocent. Cold hearted and cruel to those who cause her trouble. She is very gentle and polite at first but if she is close to you she'll act more friendly. Loyal and is willing to risk her life for her people.
Likes: in general she likes most of the characters in Naruto. She loves to read in her spare time.
Dislikes: those who abandone their friends or family, people who are cocky. She hates when people risk their lives for her. She doesn't like being mean as much. She hates those who hate Naruto.
Fave food: sushi
Dream: have her own family.
Rin's POV:
I felt nothing as the car smashed my body against a wall.

No pain

No thoughts


I stared with emotionless eyes at the people surrounding the car in panick.

Ah i forgot they were going to do a marathon of Naruto on tv today....

I chuckled....

Im dying and this is my first thought.

I smiled at a child staring at me in fear and sadness.....

'Hmm...too young to see this type of stuff.'

I opened my hand revealing rings...

I forgot to give it to my was my mothers. She would have wanted him to have it since he was going to get married first. he is older than me of course..

I spoke as my voice cracked as my life was beginning to fade away.

"neh....please....somebody please...g-give this to"

And the last thing i heard was the ring falling to the ground making a sound like a broken bell......

Man...and right when life was getting good....
I woke up to be surrounded by water....


I stood up as a bright light showed blinding me.

Rin Akiyama. You are given a chance...

"w-what do you mean?"

To either go to your next life but in a world you may be familiar with... Or to wait in the after life....waiting for where you belong..

"What happens if i go to the next life? What will i do?" I asked confused

To simply change the future as you make the future a better for the people in it....

My eyes widen....this....this is a big. responsibility.....but i must do this. matter whomever they are....they all deserve a good future

We all are the same.

"I'll do it" I said with determination

Then we give you hope
may you be filled with hope....
change what you believe is right...
do not forget your purpose now....

Every thing went black after that
I gasped sitting up. Filling air into my lungs... I looked around noticing the trees and that it was around night time.

I sniffed the air smelling smoke.

I got up and ran towards the smoke and stopped realizing it was a village with a few burning homes.

I heard a loud growl and screams.. I looked at the gate and realized where I am.

Oh my god....

Without thinking I ran to where I think she was at.

And then I saw her... Her weak frame holding onto a new born.

I ran up to her causing her to panick and hold up a kunai weakly.

I spoke

"please do not fear me....I smelled smoke and blood and I just came here immediately seeing you." I said with worry in my voice

The red haired woman took notice and with a desperate look. She walked over to me weakly. She fell as I catched her im my arms. She held a the child towards me.

"Please....please take him and protect him...i am no longer able to...I'll be leaving to early from this life....but please! Pro...tect....him..." and with that, Her eyes closed falling into a deep slumber.... I then realized my appearance here must have changed the out come of this. She was suppose to die with him...she was suppose to sacrifice herself to the new born...

Yet Kushina Uzumaki has died in my arms giving me the most biggest responsibility ever....
As I held Naruto in my arms placing the last flower on the bed of flowers where Kushina lays...

Naruto looked at me with big eyes full of curiosity as he placed his small hand on my face...

I chuckled smiling gently at him causing him to giggle cuddling into my arms.

I looked at Kushina's peaceful state...

"I will protect him" I said with determination as i ran towards the village.

The village smelled of blood and burned ashes.

I kept running to the place i know a lady would be near.

The hospital.

As soon as I got there.

There she was.


She took notice of me holding onto a infant who she knew was. She took a pose as if waiting for me to attack but instead I pleaded.

"please I don't know whats going on! I-I found a woman with red hair. She told me to protect this child. I didn't know what to do I-she- she's dead" I said with tears in my eyes trying not to seem like a threat. And thank the god, she bought it.

Tsunade's eyes widen at the information given to her. She shook at the thought of Kushina dead.

She gave me a sad look saying "head to a safe place and protect that child. I will do my best to draw attention towards me"

She took a stance ready to fight and simply said.


And I did. I ran around the village trying to avoid enemy ninja after Naruto.

And I wonder

Where the fuck is minato?

A/N-So....what u think?

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