3 : Train

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Alexander's p.o.v.

She's back.... The thought bounces around In my head, and I have to repeat it over and over again to myself just to prove that it's real. She's actually back, my mate.... She's incredible, beautiful, strong, different.... When she practically killed Stacy I realized the glint in her dark purple eyes, something that wasn't there before.

A glint of experience, and viciousness, almost like if she did kill Stacy she wouldn't have cared at all. Somehow, now I wasn't even confident enough to say she wouldn't be. ' She's perfect, and she always has been.' My wolf Caden growls, getting protective over his mate. Truthfully, I knew that too.... When she took off her jacket I nearly fainted at her body. She was extremely well built and had tribal tattoos peaking out from underneath her clothes. Somehow gaining so much muscle she still managed to maintain a chest that any model would die for , all in all I almost dropped at the sight of her.

Back two years ago, she would've never gotten a tattoo, or the several ear piercings and belly button piercing that I could see. The thin outline of the small stud faintly showed against her tank top. The one main thing that changed about her was her aura, she had power radiating off of her heavily, an aura that made everyone in the room fight the urge to drop to their knees. Even me, an alpha and her mate felt the need to drop to my knees and bow down in front of her.

It held experience, years and years of experience, more knowledge was held in her aura then every elder pack member gathered at the welcoming. How Stacy managed to defy her aura still left me in shock. The only reason I could think of is that she really is that stupid, I really don't doubt it.... The utter respect that her pack showed her was the amount of an older alpha, one that had led their pack for years, but there's no way she's been an alpha for more than a year....

It's incredible, even I don't have that kind of respect from my pack. Once Cassidy left, most of the pack lost all respect for me.... ' Are you really surprised?' Caden growls, even he had lost respect for me, his own other half! But honestly, I knew I deserved it.

When I locked eyes with Cassidy's Purple orbs, gold swimming through them like koi fish in a pond, I was lost in them just like when I had first laid eyes on her. So much love, and happiness shown in my eyes, but my heart dropped into my stomach when she showed no signs of being in the same trance as I was. Her eyes reflected none of the emotions running through mine, instead all I saw was hate and disgust. Caden had informed me that even her wolf despised us, loathed us.

That in itself was a giant stab to my heart, the way she coldly stood in place when her mother broke down in front of her. Not even trying to console her, or the way annoyance flitted through her eyes and she looked as if she was about to snap her own mothers arms if she kept them around her anymore. I think Jake always knew, he always knew that Karma would come back around and bite us in the ass, he knew that she would come back and make us all pay. Jade, Cassidy's sister didn't even come outside for the welcoming. Jade was a complete slut before Cassidy left, having sex with anything that moved, but when Cassidy left she realized how wrong she was for a abusing her and barely ever leaves her room.

She doesn't dress whorish and stopped her screwing habits. I can't even begin to imagine her reaction when she sees Cassidy now... Her sent alone was enough to make my knees weak, god I missed her so much... I need my mate back.... ' Its taken you long enough boy, but I couldn't agree more.' Caden says, his voice with determination that I haven't heard in two years returning to his voice. She will be mine...

Cassidy's p.o.v.

My body is sent into a state of disgust when I see that things were exactly the same as when I left in the pack house. There was even a small blood stain in the corner of the living room where they had beaten me once. I guess that's one blood stain that they couldn't get out....

Funny how every other one seemed to disappear from the house , leaving my memories as the only proof that anything ever happened there. Dark oak wood, soft velvety cream carpets and three stories for the pack to enjoy. To anyone else, this would be the ideal pack house, but to me it was a place of horror and blood, hell on earth... Hmmm... it seems like we're missing one member of the " family " aren't we... ' She's probably having a quickie in the closet...' Serena snickers, rolling her eyes... ' She probably is...' I reply snickering along with her. Speak of the devil...

Jade comes walking, more like slowly dragging herself down the steps. To my and Serena's total shock she looks completely different. Her hair is back from bleach blonde and pin straight to dirty blonde and wavy, Her clothes aren't the least bit whorish and she looks pale and anorexic. ' Serves her right!' Serena roars in triumph. When she gets about half way down the steps she stops and gasps, bringing her head up to sniff the air. So, she finally caught my sent, took her long enough.... " Cassidy..." She gasps out, her eyes finally finding mine.

My face is completely emotionless, a cold and sinister smile stretched on my face. " Oh, sorry there dear sister I didn't see you... I was to busy having flashbacks of the times you sent me to the pack doctor." I trail off, tapping my finger in my chin in fake remembering. " Oh wait! That was pretty much everyday wasn't it?" A cold dry chuckle escapes my lips, and I smirk when I see her lower her head in shame. " I-it's r-really y-you?" She stutters out, shock and regret filling her honey brown eyes. " D-did I s-s-stutter?"

I fake stutter, exaggerating how stupid she sounds, my eyes still cold and blank, showing no emotions or feelings. She dips her head lower in shame and suddenly finds her feat surprising interesting. " I'm so sorry..." She gives me a weak excuse of an apology. It was right then when I realized how completely meaningless those three words were. They changed nothing, erased no pain and suffering, calmed none of my nerves.

They were words that meant nothing to me, they were empty air, useless to me. In fact, a small spark of anger ignited in me at her pathetic attempt at redemption. " Your Sorry means nothing to me, those useless words don't erase the scars and pain you've caused me. The suicide attempts and nightmares you've made me endure for years. You can't take that pathetic sorry and shove it down your throat, oh wait, that wouldn't be enough of a punishment would it, you shove things down your throat all the time don't you?" I tilt my head to the side and look at her with fake realization.

Warm tears slide down her face, and drop onto the hardwood floor. Great, now she's crying boo hoo. " I was so stupid! I was always jealous of how much prettier you are then me! I regret everything I've ever done to hurt you! I'm the worst sister ever!" Her slim knees buckle and she falls to the ground in a sobbing heap. Not even casting a glance at her loud sobbing and shaking form, I walk up the steps past her small body, and walk towards my old room. " I would say that I forgive you, but we both know that would be a load of bullshit. Now, stop your crying, you're just annoying me."

My voice comes out cold and annoyed, and I give her one last glance before turning my back on her, and walking away, her sobbing growing louder with each step I take...

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