Chapter 8: Who's the Hottie?

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The vodka in my glass seemed almost too appealing. My sickness is long gone now, and I actually have the luxury of being able to breath through my nose. Currently, my ass is placed firmly on the stool in front of the alcohol counter in my favorite bar/ club. It's called The Lair, quite appropriate for the beastly looking place. The old man that owns the building is an old pal of mine, but today the usual bartender Albert- or Al as I call him is not working the bar. Oh no, this one is much more satisfying to look at then the middle aged man that usually serves me.

         He looks to be around my age, maybe a little older. His skin is flawless, a smooth caramel color that looks too even to be natural- but isn't fake. His stature is big, broad shoulders and a thick neck, biceps that stretch his shirts and hands with sturdy fingers that show the brutal work he's used to. His hair is the color of redwood, different tones of chestnut brown in a free waved pattern. It falls just before his eyes begin, thick eyebrows lead to a thin nose and thick rose colored lips.

       As he moves-a small towel sling across his back, his back muscles are put on brilliant display.  Dark freckles placed singly on certain areas. One on his collar bone, another on his forearm, one more on the back of his palm. My eyes drink him I'm greedily. I can see the other women in the bar staring, preying. Some how, I notice the woman next to me. I feel her eyes burning holes into me. Turning my head in her direction, I look at her head on. I've played for both teams at one point, but tonight my eyes were for this hunk only.

         She's a tall thing, not quite my height but maybe close. Her hair is strawberry blonde, and it reaches down to just below her breasts. Her legs are crossed, pale skin showing from every angle but her dress is modest in what it does cover. The green of her eyes paired with her smokey eye makeup gives off a catty vibe, and her stare is focused on me. Meeting her gaze, I raise a brow. I had my sights matched with the man serving us drinks, and I wasn't hiding it. I got the vibe she could tell when she made an advance.

      " Well now, I haven't seen a woman like you here before. "

     Her voice is thick and saccharine, and its husky tone almost comes out as a purr rather than English. It has a bit of a southern twang to it, she's not from around here that's for sure. Unlucky for me, these stools are much too close. Her thin hand comes out quickly, brushing my arm up and down gently. Alright woman, back off. Personal pentagon. Turning away disinterested, I look at her from the corner of my eye.

" I'm sorry lady, but right now I'm not batting for your team. I appreciate your flattery, but its best of you just move on."
    Surprisingly enough, she doesn't seem to get my blunt refusal. If anything, she looks even more determined. Her hand is on my upper thigh now, rubbing small circles. Sighing gutturally, I pull her to me roughly. There's only one way to get rid of girls with her type. I can hear her heart beating over the loud smooth tone of Michael Jacksons Off The Wall. She's practically on my lap now, and I can see my actions aren't what she expected. Wrapping an arm around her, I crush her to me. Leaning in close, I touch my lips to the shell of her ear. Feeling her whole body shudder, I smirk.

" Find someone else to seduce sweetheart, you won't win this little game. "

    I match my tone to hers, and it takes her a second to comprehend my words. Without warning, I remove her from me. Her legs wobbling slightly as I release her, she takes a moment to breath in deeply before sitting back down on her stool. With just a couple of movements she's gone from a purring lioness to a squeaking kitten. Her pale face is red and flushed. Twirling her hair nervously, she lowers her gaze. Finally.

      Raising the glass to my lips, I drain it quickly. The blissful burn swirling down my throat. Gracefully, I side my empty glass down to his end of the bar- where my prey seems to be cleaning up.

      Upon seeing my empty glass, and tracing it back to me across the counter top, he turns a dazzling smile on me. White teeth and deep dimples all included. I return his smile. Somehow, he refills my glass with exactly what I want. Vodka and cherry syrup, a single cherry dropped in the mixture. He sends the glass back to me full, and makes his way over to me.

   " So, you've been watching me have you? "

    He doesn't look ashamed, not in the slightest. He keeps his handsome smile. Leaning over to me, he looks me in the eyes. Before I wasn't sure about his eye color, but this close I can see just how visibly hazel they are, complimented with flecks of green mixed in.

" Well don't give me too much credit now, you just seem like a cherry kinda girl. But I must admit I've done my fair share of watching your gorgeous self all night. I'm intrigued. "

   I liked his straightforward style. So I played the game of lust and flirting at the bar with him all night. I took him home with me at the end of it, the only problem was when a certain someone caught us before the good stuff started.

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