Chapter 7: These Visions Again

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When I woke up, I felt like something was wrong, like something bad was going to happen. My purple eyes widened to that thought. I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. I washed my teeth, took a shower and got changed. I decided to take a walk outside. I took my bag and left the room. Then I remembered, I couldn't pay for the room, I didn't had enough money. I looked around me and saw the word 'Exit' at the end of the corridor. I pushed the door open and started to run through the stairs outside. I quickly walked away from the hotel.

As I walked around the city, I remarked that some people were staring at me with a weird look on their faces, like they were creeped out by me, like they were afraid of me. I heard a man asking everyone to buy the journal, but he immediately stopped talking when he saw me. I was about to say something when I saw my picture on the journal. I took it and started to read.

I couldn't believe it, I had to read it twice. My eyes widened once again. I was being searched by the police. 'Why?' That was my only question. The worst part was that the article had been wrote by Dr.Smith and Dr.Stacy, I understood for the Smith part, but Stacy? It was weird. Anyway, it said that I had escaped from Arkham Asylum, something that wasn't true, and that I was crazy and dangerous. I felt the rage in me grow. "I am not... CRAZY" The windows of a car shattered and the alarm went off. I had to leave again. "Why does this keep happening me" I groaned in annoyance. The small amount of people around stared at me in shock, fear and horror. I sighed, clearly annoyed by the whole situation. I decided to take the journal with me and left the place.

—A Week Later—

I walked through the streets of San Francisco and tried to hid my face as much as possible under my hood. The darkness in me was getting more and more powerful each day, I could feel it. The visions were more frequent and the hallucinations were crazier. Once I had seen all the cars windows explode in the parking lot. It seemed so real, but so abnormal and improbable. I glanced at one of the windows of a store. It was filled with immense mirrors. "I'm bored... Why don't we have some fun?"

"I'm-I mean we're being searched by the police..." My reflection in the mirrors stared at me with a confused look on her pale face. "Doesn't mean that we can't have some fun" I ignored her and continued to walk. "Stop walking... RACHEL!" I bumped into someone. Looking up, I saw that it was a cop. I was doomed.

"Sorry young la-Wait" The man started in realization. "Aren't you that crazy teenage girl that escaped from Arkham?"

I gave him a blank face and stared at his brown eyes, trying to see through his soul. "no"

He made a mocking laugh. "Oh oh oooooh... You're that crazy!" The cop pulled out his talkie walkie and contacted one of colleagues. "Yeah, I found the girl, Rachel Roth?" He told the adresse to his coworker and I started running again, like always. I passed next to the mirrors. "At least you're in good health" Said my reflection in the mirrors. I kept on running and running until I suddenly had a really painful headache. It stopped me. These weird visions started to appear again. I screamed in pain, making all the windows around me shatter.

The streets were filled with blood, skeletons and dead bodies. There was fire everywhere. The sky was red and the clouds were black. The buildings were destroyed and seemed empty. The glass on the ground was covered in blood. "n-n-no no n-no" I murmured to myself.  I felt something or someone pass next to me. I didn't want to know more about that vision. "stop it. Stop stop STOP!" I was back in reality. The sound of an alarm could be heard. I opened my amethyst eyes, making them go wide. My mouth was wide open in shock. I gasped silently. All the police cars that were around me had been sent farther from me. Most of the cars were upside down. I was breathing heavily and just when I was about to calm down a little, I heard an explosion, I screamed in shock and horror. One of the police cars from behind me had just exploded. I started to panic and ran away again.

"What am I going to do?" I asked myself. I heard the voice laugh. That terrifying, scary and creepy laugh. The many voices and hers were in chorus. I screamed again. A light pole fell on the cold ground. I saw a bus stop and sat on a bench. "We don't have to leave now... Rachel" These visions appeared again.

I saw people running around, away from something or maybe someone. The screams somehow made me happy. I definitely was insane. I then saw that immense demon walking around, destroying buildings and killing people. I saw a cloaked figure destroy things along with him.

I gasped again as I came back to my senses. The bus was there. I entered inside and sat in the back, alone as always. I looked up at the name of the place it was heading to. Jump City. 'Well then, Jump City... here I come'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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