Chapter 6: Salem

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I woke up to the sound of yelling. I sat up and groaned, I had a big headache. Someone knocked at the door. "Am comin' wait a minute" I placed the computer and the mirror into my bag. "Don't open it... let me do it" I went to open the door. "Wha-"

"Get out" It was the girl that had gave me the keys. I frowned in confusion.


"I said... GET OUT!" I frowned at her. "Why?" I asked her. "Because if you stay I'm going to lose my job. You didn't pay for the room, you don't have the money to pay me... plus my boyfriend saw you steal a computer last night at his job. Damn it you've sent him right into the freakin' counter... he said you were creepy and to be honest I'm pretty sure he's right... NOW GET OUT OF MY VIEW!" I quickly took my bag and ran away from the girl. I stopped running when I was two blocks away from the small and inexpensive hotel.

"I told you to let me do it" I glanced at my reflection in the window of a store. I rolled my purple eyes and continued to walk. "You don't understand you have to leave... now" I sighed in defeat. "Okay, but only after I've eaten something. I am starving" I walked into a little restaurent. It was filled with colours like pink, blue, white, red and black. There wasn't a lot of people. I sat at the counter and ordered. "Can I have waffles?"

"Coming right up" A young girl with blond hair and pale brown eyes answered me, she was wearing her uniform. Her name tag said that her name was Meg, a diminutive for Megan. She came back with my waffles.

"Thanks Meg" She stared at me.

"Ho-" I pointed at the name tag. "And who are you?"

"Lie to her" I glanced at a mirror on the wall. 'Maybe I should listen to her' I nodded to myself. "Rach-" I blinked my eyes and for an instant I saw the name 'Raven' written with blood on the counter. "-ven, Raven" I frowned. 'That's the name that woman called me in my dream'

"I never saw you here" I glanced at Megan. "Where are you from?"

"I've never been here before..." I sighed, staring at the drawings on the counter. "I'm from-" I looked at the mirror again. "Lie again creepy" I did what she said. "Santa Monica" She smiled at me.

"I go there every summer. The ocean is amazing" I nodded, I didn't want to look like a liar, even know I clearly was.

I rubbed my neck in shame, I didn't like to lie. "It is indeed" I made a line with my lips. "How much will the waffles cost me?" She was going to tell me, but she was called by one of her coworkers. "I'm coming back, wait a minute" I giggled at her attitude and when she left, I went back to my usual emotionless face. I stood up and left the place after placing a piece of paper on the counter to make it look like I had paid.

I decided to go outside and close my eyes. I needed to know more about these visions, I reopened them and I saw fire everywhere again. Destruction, blood, demons, a red sky, black clouds, skeletons. No one else was there, no one other than me, the demons and this other half of me. She was in every windows and mirrors. I kept on walking until I saw that same demon again, sitting on one of the buildings. "I have questions" I yelled at him.

"Go on Raven" I frowned at the name. 'Why are they all calling me that?'

I shook it off. "Who are you? Am I crazy? Is this real? You're a demon?"

He seemed annoyed by me, by my presence or maybe just my attitude. "You know it. No. Yes and Yes" I thought about it.

"I already told you... I don't know you" I sighed. "Tell me, please... I am begging you. I need answers" He shook his head. "Demons don't do that"

"What? Do what?"

He glared at me with his four yellow demon eyes. "Begging. I don't ever-EVER want to hear you begging me again!" I was afraid of him, terrified even if I may say. He used his powers to make me come back on earth. I opened my eyes, I was in front of the same building, but he wasn't there. Everything was back to normal. I turned around and saw my other self. She wasn't in a mirror or a window, she was in my head. "Why did you do this? You're going to get ourselves in trouble" I frowned again."Why?" She ignored me and disappeared into tin air only to reappear behind me. "I won't answer... I like to mess with you creep" She giggled and teleported herself into a window. I decided to ignore her and go to a store, anyway I wasn't going to wear to same thing everyday of the week, was I?

The bell rang when I entered. "Hi, what can I do to help you?" A young teenager with red hair and ocean eyes asked me.

"I'm searching for some other clothes" She gave me a nervous and embarrassed smile. I followed her into a section full of pink. I hated pink. "Do you have something else than pink... like black or an other dark colour. Purple, blue?" She huffed at me and muttered something like creepy, witch or goth. I was getting really angry. My other half took the control and she teleported herself behind the girl before touching her arm and entering her mind.

I saw her all dressed in pink with a group of girls, she had left her real friends to be with the populars. She was an artist before, always playing guitar. Her favorite colour was black and most of her friends were goths. Becoming a part of the populars had changed her and she became a real brat. Her name was Emmy Brown.

I regained the control. "Just do your job and show me the goth section Emmy" Her blue eyes widened.

"H-H-How do you know my name" She searched for her name tag to see if I had read it, but she was not wearing it. "Who are you?"

"Not important brat" She took the control back. "Just do what I asked you to do and you won't get hurt" I was starting to wonder, was I crazy or not because she seemed to see the same thing I was seeing, my imagination maybe. She was going to show me the right section, but I heard a bell ring. I looked at the door and my eyes widened. Mutchler and two other police officers were there. I heard Scott talk to one of the employees. "Have you seen a young girl with purple hair?" The other girl pointed at me. I quickly left the building. I started to run through the streets wondering how had they found me so easily. "Rachel" Scott yelled. I stopped and turned around. "You have to come back, I only want to help you" I shook my head.

"You'll take me to another family. I am not GOING ANYWHERE ELSE" I started to run to a bus station.

"I'm not going to do this now, I want to help you, but you have to let me" I ignored him, the tears were treating to come out. I believed him, but I had a bad feeling about this, as if there was something else somewhere waiting for me. Something or someone that could help me in a better way. The bus arrived so I climbed in it and I forced the doors closed with my "powers". I sat in the back of the bus and looked at Scott from the window, seeing him disappear into the distance. I looked down at my feet in shame and sadness.


It took me more than half a day to arrive. I was extremely tired so I searched for another place where I could pass the night. When I found one, I immediately ran to the reception. "Hello miss, you seem tired. Need a room?" The boy smiled at me.

"Yes please" He chuckled and gave me a key.

"It'll be 40$" I pressed my lips together. "Can I pay in the morning?" He nodded with a big smile plastered on his face. I slowly walked to my room. I placed my bag on a table and I laid on the bed ready to finally fall asleep.

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