Chapter 3: Psychosis

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The next day, I was laying on the bed when a young woman entered the room. It was a psychiatrist, she had blond hair tied in a ponytail. The woman sat on a chair next to the bed, a notebook in her hands. "Hello Rachel, I'm Dr. Stacy, your psychiatrist" Dr. Stacy shook my hand.

I saw her crying in front of a grave, wearing a black dress, she was about 13 years old. I also saw her talking to a patient and having her first kiss. I let go of her hand. "Convenient, isn't it?" The voice said. I nodded discreetly.

"So, Smith told me you heard voices in your head"

"I see things too" She nodded and wrote something in her notebook.

She looked up at me. "What kind of things?" She asked me, looking at what she wrote.

I took a deep breath. "You shouldn't do this... you will only cause our loss" The voice warned me. I was starting to think that she was right and wanted to get out of this place as fast as possible. I started breathing heavily. "Let me help you... I can get us out of here" She continued. I didn't know what to do anymore.

"Rachel are you okay?" Dr. Stacy asked, full of concern. I shook my head and began crying.

"There is a voice in my head, she keeps on telling me things that makes me feel so confused and lost" I heard the voice growl at me. The blond woman tried to console me but to no avail, I couldn't stop crying. I left my mom there, I ran away and even got arrested for vandalism.

We talked for hours and I have to admit that I felt better. When she left, the voice was still not talking. She hadn't been talking for the whole time. 'Maybe I just needed to talk to someone... seems like it was all in my head' I thought.

After telling the woman all of this I was really exhausted so I decided that it was time to sleep.

--In The Dream--

I was in a beautiful place. There was monks walking around and everything was colored in white. I was still wearing my usual coat and all. There was a palace I entered it and saw one of the most beautiful place I had ever seen. I walked upstairs and to a balcony. I was at the edge of it when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hello Raven" I turned around and saw a beautiful woman in a white dress. Her hood was up but I could still see her blue eyes, black hair and her pale skin. She walked to me with a shocked face. I was confused, who was she? The woman came even closer to me and hugged me. She hugged me hard against her like it was the first time she saw the one she loved in years. I didn't hug back, I didn't even know her, anyway I wasn't used to that much affection. The black haired woman pulled away. Her magnificent eyes were filled with tears. 'What in the name of god is happening?' I asked myself. "I missed you, Raven" She told me.

"W-What? W-Who are you?" I asked her. I saw her face pass from happy to sad. A tear ran down her cheek. "And who's Raven?" She closed her eyes and turned around.

"It's not to me to tell you... I'm sorry" She walked away so I tried to run after her, but only to be stopped by an invisible wall. I hit the wall with my fists as I screamed and cried.

Suddenly everything became black. There was nothing but a mirror. I was on the floor, my face in my hands. I looked up at the weird mirror before standing up and walk to it. I looked at my reflection and saw someone behind me. So I quickly turned around, but there was nobody so I looked back at the mirror. I tried to touch the glass but I was surprised by my creepy reflection. It was her again, the voice or the worst part of me like she had told me. I screamed in shock. "You're going to pay" She said with her demonic voice. She was even more scarier.

She continued talking while a double of her, behind me, tried to strangle me with a small string. "I WARNED YOU" The reflection yelled along with the other scary voices. I couldn't scream even know how much I wanted to. "Nobody's going to help now" She told me before the world went black again.

--In The Reality--

I woke up screaming as loud as I could. The lightbulbs started shattering and the chair next to me started floating and getting a weird form. The door burst open. It was Dr. Stacy. She looked around before sitting on the edge of my bed. "Are you okay, Rachel" I shook my head.

"I had a nightmare" I simply responded, she nodded.

"I have the results" She opened her notebook. I was so happy to know that there was probably something logic to what was happening to me. I nodded for her to continue and pressed my lips together. "It's seems like you have a psychosis" My purple eyes widened. 'Wait... WHAT?' I thought. A psychosis, really? When I think about it, It might be true.


The blond woman took a deep breath. "Hearing voices, seeing things, weird behavior, unable to think clearly or to differentiate reality from fiction, mood changes, isolation, difficulty concentrating... you have all these things that are symptoms" She explained. I had all these things. "n-no..." I murmured under my breath, but she still heard me so she nodded. She explained to me that I can be healed and what could be the consequences if I didn't let them help me. Increased risk of health problems, premature death and decrease of social life were some consequences. She gave me pills and I quickly took them in fear.

After some minutes, Dr. Stacy left the room, leaving me alone with the voices and hallucinations.

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