Chapter 21

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Alyson awoke the next morning the house empty, Alyson showered and just as she started to get dressed, she felt the pressure of the bile rising in her throat. She grabbed the edge of her toilet just in time. The pain was less than it had been but it still hurt.

Afterwards, she cleaned up and carefully trotted down the stairs and into her father's office. She turned to Kai, "Keep watch," she said. Kai perked up and lifted his ears in attention.

She quickly opened the door and scanned the room. Where would a simple man like her father hide important documents?

"The safe?" She asked herself then quickly dismissing it, he's not that simple, plus if it where she'd have no idea what the code would be. Her eyes caught the stack of papers on his desk, too easy.

She walked to the drawers of the desk and pulled on one of them and saw a stack of papers sitting there. The top one had Andrew's name on it. Alyson smiled to herself as she searched the drawer making sure not to disrupt anything that didn't need to move.

She found everyone's birth certificate and came empty on her own. She groaned, of course, it wouldn't be with his actual children. She relooked and didn't see it she groaned again. 

She closed the drawer and opened another. The top paper said something about unusual healing rates in children. She picked that one up and read over it, on a sticky note in her father's handwriting, "Event on Sep 20th".

That's today's date...this must be the groundbreaking research they found, odd. She filed that away in her mind and put the research paper into an empty folder she found on his deck. She searched and searched the small desk and found nothing.

She was starting to grow angry, she slammed her hand down on the desk and a secret drawer popped open. She looked through its things and found exactly what she was looking for, a DNA test for both her father and her Uncle Matthew. She didn't dare read them yet, but she took everything with her name on it inside that drawer, and anything related to her uncle. 

Kai let out a little bark, warning her that someone was home. She closed the drawer and made sure everything was in order. She raced back up to her room, Kai in tow. She shut and locked the door just in time for the front door to open and close. 

Alyson heard the conversations of Oliva and Lilly and sighed with relief, they hadn't heard her. She raced up her steps and placed the documents on her underneath her pillow. As she started to relax, someone knocked on her door scaring her.

She raced down the steps and saw her younger sisters standing there.

"Alyson! Can you drive us to Alexis's house?" Lily asks. Alyson just blinks.

"You want me... to drive you to a friends' house?" she asks.

"You can drive right?" Oliva asks smartly.

"Of course, I can drive but why would I want two nuances like you two in my car?" Alyson asks in the same tone ask Oliva.

"Well, you're our only option at the moment," she says rolling her eyes.

"You're really asking your sister who just got out of the hospital to drive you somewhere?" She asks. They roll their eyes collectively.

"We know there's nothing actually wrong with you, mom told us," Oliva says.

"Well, then you can wait for one of your other siblings to come home because I won't do it. You try falling out of a tree and splitting your head open. You little assholes," Alyson says bitterly as she slams her door in their faces and locks it. Such spiteful little brats.

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