Nightmare's List Of Approximately One Million Problems

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At first Chara had just curled up and felt sorry for himself, but now the reality of the situation was kicking in.

"So... No more vision?" He asked Cross. He'd refused to move an inch away from Cross in the past hour.

"No, no more vision." Cross repeated with a small sigh.

Chara's white, untidy hair hung over his eyes, blocking them from sight. 

"I think Ink was so cold abut that whole thing. I mean, that's not how you tell someone that they're blind." Cross growled. 

Error had been stood behind his armchair for the best part of the hour they'd been back. 

And in his hand, still, was a human soul. How it had survived that long, Error didn't know. Then again, he didn't really question it, in fact, he'd barely noticed it. Not that he'd really noticed anything else going on, either. Until Nightmare snapped his finger's in Error's face.

Error jolted, snapping back to reality. 

"We've still got approximately a million problems, so before you go spacing out, deal with them please." He growled at Error.

"...Yeah, okay... Wanna tell me where I start?" Error asked.

"How about Cross' soul?" He hissed, taking a step closer to Error.

"Oh! I forgot! Here." Error said, forcing the red human soul into Nightmares hand.

"...First... Why did you just... have this on you?"

Error couldn't be bothered to explain. "I just do." 

"...And it's a human soul. How do we give it to a monster?" 

"Just try it."


As Nightmare walked over to Cross, Error decided to get back to Nightmare's list of approximately one million problems. 

The next problem would probably be everyone else's injuries. Either that, or the fact that the police (or what was left of them) would be back at some point, probably joining forces with police from elsewhere. He decided that the former was probably the better thing to deal with at present.

And for that, he'd need Ink.

Error knew that Ink had stormed off into the kitchen, so he went there. And sure enough, Ink was there, staring out of the window, back turned to Error.

"Go away." Ink said, without even turning to see who it was.

"...It's just me." Error said.

"...Fine, come here." 

Immediately Error obeyed, joining Ink in front of the window. The sun had now set, the first few stars starting to glisten in the darkening sky.  

"So... wanna explain the sudden change of mood?" He asked the artist slowly.

"Not really. Wanna explain why I got dragged into this mess?" The shorter spat back.

Error raised an 'eyebrow' at Ink's hostility. "What's your problem?"

Amused at the question, Ink laughed coldly. "I just answered that question. Now I'm a wanted criminal. I never asked for that, did I?" 

Error went to argue back, something rude on his tongue, but he cut himself off, a shaky breath coming out instead. The only other words he could find were, "I'm sorry."

Ink also made it seem like he was about to speak, but dismissed his thoughts with a small wave of his hand. 

The two stood in silence for about a minute, both staring blankly out the window. Not an awkward silence, but rather a peaceful one. Neither had heard silence all day, and all they heard now was the low talking of the others in the background. 

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