I'm Still Sorry

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~Geno's POV~

The cell was small and dark.

Honestly, I had given up. I lay defeated on the hard floor of the cell, ignoring the pain that it caused me.

They'd come for me, clearly, but only to get themselves arrested, which is exactly what I was afraid of. I wasn't sure whether they all came, or just my brothers, but I sincerely hoped that that it was just them who got arrested.

I'd been thinking of ways to escape, but they all required magic or other things that I didn't have. I'd been hoping that the effects of the magic gun would wear of at some point, and they'd forget to put a restraint on me. The chances of that, I thought, were very slim. Another one I'd thought of was somehow breaking down the door of the cell. But how could I do that without magic? I had no weapons, either. The mental mention of weapons brought many blades into my mind, including a scythe. This lead me to thinking about Reaper.

I missed him so badly. I know I'd been dating him for a day, but I'd loved him for much longer.

Once or twice I might have fantasized about him heroically breaking down the door and saving me from this hell, but obviously, I knew that wouldn't happen.

Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else. Even better, nothing at all.

It didn't work.

Images of him filled my head. And they weren't at all pleasant.

I imagined him being locked up, just like me.

'And who's fault would that be?' I couldn't help but think.

'Mine.' And all because I didn't trust him. All because I didn't want to take risks.

'But either option was a risk!'

Reaper would be so disappointed in me, in the fact I couldn't even trust him.

Suddenly I became aware of a slight wetness on my cheek.

I wiped away the tear hastily.

'Reaper wouldn't date a weakling.'

I took a deep breath, but when I exhaled, a small sob escaped. I clapped a hand over my mouth, determined not to show weakness.

The tears, however, continued to flow like a river.

"G-God... I'm s-so pathetic..." I laughed slightly.

~Error's POV~

"Have they really not noticed I've gone?" I asked.

"Well, no one's come looking yet." Horror said, shrugging.

"That's a good sign. Let's just find Geno and get out of here." Ink said.

"...We need to find Reaper, too... and Fresh..." Dream pointed out.

"True. But Fresh will most likely be outside the prison waiting for us." I said.

We walked in silence for about a minute.

"THIS WAY!" An unfamiliar voice shouted suddenly.

And then an alarm sounded.

"What's going on?" Cross shouted, sounding panicked.

"Don't know, Error, what do we do?" Nightmare said.

Everyone looked at me, but I just shrugged.

"This is why I'd make a better leader-!" Nightmare hissed, but suddenly a screech sounded from behind us.

In Love With The Enemy (Undertale AU Multiship Story)Where stories live. Discover now