Chapter 8

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I woke up to the final alarm going off. Onii-san had moved me so that I was lying down with my head on his lap. Hisoka was building a card tower. Killua looked like he just stumbled out of a workers mine. There were about 20 more people in the room them the last time I was awake. I looked up at onii-chan motioning for him to pick me up and carry me to the next task as he promised. I smiled as he tossed me onto his shoulders and started walking towards the next event.

After making us draw lots to see who would hunt each other down, they had us all board a ship which took us off of the island Trick Tower was on and onto another island. Wow, so creative. While onii-san glared and was silently promising to find out who had my number so he could go kill them off, I poked to pins in his head to help my boredom.

I sent a calm aura to onii-san as he left the boat after Hisoka promising to find him as soon as I got off. I looked down at the number I pulled. I didn't recognize the number and am way too lazy to find out who it is. Maybe I'll stumble across it while I'm hunting. otherwise, I'll go for the first 3 badges I find.

I hum to myself as I walk off the boat. It's the lullaby I used to sing to Alluka. Killua looked over at me recognizing the song. Oops. Maybe I should have chosen a different tune. Too late now I guess.

I continued humming as I walked down the path and jumped into a tree where onii-san was waiting for me.

He glared at me having caught me humming Alluka's lullaby.

I shrugged as he turned around to leap from tree to tree with silence only an assassin would have mastered. Following I stayed silent until we got to a clearing where we stopped.

In his normal voice, he said "Don't do that again. Killua isn't to know we are here until the end. The only reason I'm letting him compete is that its good training. he has no need for a Hunter's license."

"Yeah, because we don't need another Zoldyck disappearing to who knows where. Right?" I huffed under my breath. "When did you become such a hard-ass on Killua? He was such a sweet kid. What did you do to him?"

He looked away. "You know I have been put in charge of family discipline and pain training. You were the one who dealt with emotions. He is the next heir. He needs to be trained to meet Zoldyck standards."

I shook my head and stopped talking feeling Hisoka heading toward the clearing.

"Having a family fight I see? Please. Don't hesitate to use your full powers on each other. I would love to see if you're ripe enough yet." Hisoka said with a grin.

I groaned. "Can't you take your creepy ass self somewhere else Hisoka. We're on the other side of the island for a reason. The other contestants won't be able to reach us for at least a day."

"That, my sweet doll, is the reason I'm here," Hisoka said offering his hand.

Onii-san glares and I huff at his offer as I stop off in the direction of the other competitors. I need to find three badges so I could stalk Killu for the rest of the event.

Running towards the competitors, Illumi's Nen doll following me, I went for the first person I came across. Hopefully, it's number 89 whoever that may be. 

Looking down at my target I threw a dart in his head immediately killing him. Dropping from the tree I was sitting in I searched him for his tag.  Number 34. Just my luck. 

I wonder what Hisoka and onii-san are talking about. They always seem to get along well. Even if Hisoka is a creep. The only reason Hisoka hasn't gone for my brother yet is that he hasn't found a way to incur my brother's ultimate wrath. That would be the only way he would unleash his full power. If he even can anymore. Maybe Hisoka knows about it. 

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