Chapter 3

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I walked down the stairs in the basement to go find Alluka. If they truly wanted her on lockdown they would most likely hide her as far underground as they possibly could. I came upon a metal vault door with a keypad on the side. I typed in the usual key for most things in the house. The door unlocked. Another series of doors came after that. I could tell that father was watching me go through but I couldn't bring myself to care. I looked at the last door for a moment before deciding to turn the level on the door and push with the amount of strength that would open the fifth gate. It opened easily enough and I walked through.

I opened the door and sitting on the floor holding a doll to his -or her as she now likes to be referred to as- chest was Alluka. She looked up at me and sped over jumping on me enveloping me in a hug.

"Onee-san!!! I missed you! Everyone turned so mean while you were gone." She said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Alluka. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you and Nanika?" I said. "I missed you too! I should have never gotten captured if only to keep you safe."

"It's okay Oneesan." she said smiling. "Oneesan, hug me!"

I gave her a hug and she relaxed in my arms.

"Oneesan, pat my head." she said, her voice muffled by my shoulder.

I patted her head. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"Oneesan, kiss my forehead." her last request was uttered.

"Of course Alluka." I said as I touched my lips to her forehead.

I looked down at her and she had turned into Nanika.

"Hello Nanika, did you miss me?" I asked.

She looked up her head jolting with each movement. "Nallumi, I missed you," she said in a monotone voice, "Where have you been? What wish can I grant you?"

"I got captured my some scientists for a few year, but don't worry Nanika-chan, I'm back." I informed her. "I'm surprised Killua never told you. Has he not been visiting you?"

Nanika shakes her head, "I only talk to you Nallumi. Killua doesn't come to talk to Alluka anymore, though. I think he's not allowed too. It made Alluka sad. I don't like it when Alluka's sad."

I looked down at her with a sad smile. Father has been keeping such a tight rein on Killua since I've been gone. No wonder he decided to leave. Just unfortunate timing.

"I promise to come visit you and Alluka more than Nanika. Killua got into a fight with mother so he might not be able to visit for a while. He decided to leave to mountain. As soon as he gets back I'll be sure to bring him with me." I promised.

"I have to go Nallumi. What is your wish?" Nanika asked.

"I want you to give me a hug." I said smiling.

Nanika jumped on me and gave me a hug then turned back to Alluka.

"How was Nanika?" asked Alluka.

I smiled at the confused face she made, "She was great Alluka. She missed me as well. She also missed Killua. She said that Killua hasn't come to visit you recently and that made you sad."

She looked down at the floor, "It's not oniisan's fault though. Father and Illumi-nii won't let him visit me anymore."

"I know Alluka-chan." I reasured her. "Killua just got into a fight with mother and Milluki so he left the mountain. When he comes back I'll be sure to bring him with me to visit you."

She smiled at me and said, "You're the best oneesan ever, Nallumi-nee!"

I looked down at her not wanting to leave. She's so alone and cut off down here. I wished I could just bring her back outside but with being on house arrest I decided that that might not be the best idea I had ever come up with.

"I'm really sorry Alluka-chan but I have to go. I wasn't really meant to come to see you and I'm already on house arrest. I don't want to get into more trouble." I told her sadly.

She looked so sad that I had to leave but she smiled and nodded saying, "I understand oneesan."

I gave her one last kiss on the head then turned and waved and approached to door I came in through. I looked up at the observation camera that I had messed with by adding Nen while I was talking to Alluka and Nanika.

"Will you let me out?" I addressed the camera.

I heard a beep and the door started to open. The door opened and on the other side, my father was looking at me expectantly. I sighed as I knew I was most likely in for another long lecture about things I am and am not allowed to do.

"Follow me," he said in a definite tone.

I followed him as he led the way out of the maze called the entrance to Alluka's room. We arrived back to his office room and he motioned for me to sit down.

"You're not allowed to go see Alluka without permission either," he said. "You didn't know what the last wish it granted was. What if the thing asked of you was too high of a price. You would have died. Also, never mess with the cameras while talking to it. We wouldn't be able to know if you needed to get out or if you died or not. I should never allow you to visit it again but since you just got back I will allow you to continue seeing it with permission from me and as long as you never mess with the cameras again."

And there was the long lecture, I thought as I listened to his issues with me going to visit Alluka. Alluka is a person not a thing. He needs to stop refering to her as it.

I forced a polite smile and said, "Of course, father."

There was a moment of silence before father spoke up and said, "Your mother would be very grateful if you grace her with your presence. Go see her."

I nodded and took that as my cue to leave him and go find mother. I sighed. This is going to be a pain. She's always so clingy. I was avoiding her. I opened the door to leave fathers office space and she was there. I looked up in surprise as she leaped on me a pulled me into a hug sobbing tears.

"My precious Nallumi! You're back. I missed you my beautiful darling daughter. How dare those awful people take you away from us and mess with you. You grew so much. You look so beautiful. Don't ever leave again. Your darling mother would never be able to handle it." she said sobbing onto my shoulder while hugging and maneuvering me into whatever position she wished.

"Of course mother." I said in a monotone voice much like Illumi's that I only save for her.

She looked at my outfit and shrieked, "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? You should be wearing a beautiful ball gown only fit for my beautiful daughter. No, no, no, this musn't do."

She then decided to drag me to her room as I just let her pull me resigning to my fate.


AN: I'm such a horrible lame author. I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy this. I'll try to be more consistent when updating. Also, this is unbetaed so if there are any mistakes please feel free to let me know so I can fix them.

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