17| Miss Lonely

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                                                                   Chapter 17

                                                                  Miss Lonely       

                                                I woke up before the alarm got a chance to wake me up... it had been like this for almost the last two months, last month was a bit comforting because I was too engrossed it my semester exams to notice my missing companionship. I hardly talked to anyone in school. I kept to myself. Since last week I had gone back to being the loner. To be quite honest I was quite used to it by now, yet I dreaded today. A day when I would feel even more lonely. A day when I would realize that I truly have nobody. A day that reminds of my lack of love life. Today...is the Valentine’s Day.

                                         I won’t lie. I was tempted by the thought of bunking college today but I decided to take a mature decision and just attend college. It was half day today anyway. I packed my bag and ate some cornflakes. A door opened and Nish walked out. Shirtless. Oh my god. I just couldn’t help staring at his body. It seemed like it was chiseled from a rock. His eight pack abs was prominent. Oh so sexy v cut made me want to moan. His hair was tousled making me wish to run my fingers through his silky hair. My gaze came down to meet his eyes, which were apparently staring back at mine. One eyebrow raised. I stared into his chocolate brown orbs. I found myself drowning in his deep eyes, that’s when the logical bend of my mind started working and I realized that he had caught me staring at him so I quickly redirected my gaze to my cornflakes which were completly socked in milk by now..Damn him and his perfect body, and his perfect face...and his perfect perfection.

                                         He just grabbed the milk carton and poured himself a glass of milk. He peeled a banana and ate it with the milk. I got up and washed my bowl keeping it in its proper place. A thought came into my mind which made me want to cry...will I always be like this? Alone and unloved?


                                         It was worse than I'd expected there were heart shaped balloons everywhere. Red and white streamers covered each and every wall. There were couples everywhere walking hand in hand, or linking hands. There were roses everywhere and some cheesy lines were written on chart papers and stuck on the walls. The whole freaking college was decorated with the theme of love!

                                         God! This has turned out to be a fu*king nightmare. My eyes glanced through the corridors and I realized that I was practically the only single girl in sight, the only other single ladies were the geeks who were too engrossed in their books to even notice a change in the college environment. I quickly walked towards the school gate; now that college was over I really needed to get out of here as fast as I could. All this love crap was too much for me to take.

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