Chapter 10

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<P>A weeks gone by since my dad killed my mum and I killed my dad, it's sounds like we should all go on Jeremy Kyle. Jamie won't eat or speak to anyone and I refuse to look sad in front of anyone and to top it all off the woods next to the house is starting to fill up with wolves, we don't know if they are normal wolves or the type to turn into humans all of a sudden. Each time I look out the window in my room theres always this one wolf stood at the end of the woods looking up at me, like he knows me or knows I'm looking at him. It stands there motionless for a few minutes then turns back and walks into the darkness of the woods. Alfie notices me once in awhile looking down at the wolf, he looks at it then turns away but today was different.</P>

<P>"Just go down there and talk to him or her. Instead of staying in your room regretting what happened."</P>

<P>I got up and walked to the door.</P>

<P>"I'm not regretting anything, my dad was an evil man and my mum would of died a couple of nights before if I didn't turn her into a monster."</P>

<P>"So thats what you think about us? That we're monsters?"</P>

<P>I turned round, he was stood in front of me.</P>

<P>"Well yeah, we kill those close to us to get their blood, to feed our hunger but the hunger will always be there."</P>

<P>"Do you believe I'm a monster?"</P>

<P>I hugged him tight.</P>

<P>"No, you're still the boy who picked me up when I fell and who carried me to safety. You're the one I love."</P>

<P>"Alex you know I'd do anything to make you happy, to keep you in my arms, to make you stay here with me because if I can't have you then no one else can. I only need you!"</P>

<P>I looked up at him, he gently pressed his lips onto mine. He pulled away, he put his head into my neck and hugged me tighter when he pulled away I notcied a two red marks on his neck. I stood on my tip toes and felt the marks, they were quite deep.</P>

<P>"Who bit you?"</P>

<P>He held onto his neck and looked at me with wide eyes.</P>

<P>"No one."</P>

<P>He went for the door so I moved in front of him.</P>

<P>"Who was it?"</P>

<P>"Alex calm down, your getting a bit too angry."</P>

<P>"Wait. No it couldn't have been him."</P>

<P>He looked down.</P>

<P>"I had no choice, he was going to take you away from me and plus he charmed all of us, we couldn't use our powers."</P>

<P>"You're right I should get out more instead of sitting in here thinking about everything that happened."</P>

<P>I opened the door and walked down the hall way, I don't know why I was so angry, the thought of my own dad feasting on my boyfriend sickens me. I reached the bottom of the stairs when I noticed a figure stood near the front door.</P>


<P>It looked at me then walked away. I walked outside and sat near the edge of the woods where the wolf normally stood. I turned and looked up at my bedroom window, I saw the back of Alfie, I wondered what he was doing but I heard something moving in the woods. I turned around and saw a small brown wolf looking at me. I started to back away slowly then stopped.</P>


<P>The wolf slowly started to look more human like. A tall boy with long, brown hair which was spiked at the back stood in front of me.</P>

<P>"Hi Alex."</P>

<P>"Wait how do you know my name?"</P>

<P>He smiled and tilted his head.</P>

<P>"Long time no see eh?"</P>

<P>"You didn't answer my question, how do you know my name?"</P>

<P>"Don't play stupid with me Alex, it's me Henry."</P>

<P>I looked at him confused then stood up.</P>

<P>"I don't know any Henry."</P>

<P>His smile went away.</P>

<P>"Hmmm... Thats strange because we used to play together when we were little, well I was a vampire then, then I got banished from the house because I got turned into a wolf thing. Hows Alfie?"</P>

<P>"I'm guessing you missed the bit where I got turned into a human lost all my memories then?"</P>

<P>"I thought that was just a rumor, so you really don't remember me?"</P>

<P>"Nope, I thought once you were a vampire you stay a vampire?"</P>

<P>"Thats a tale for another time my friend."</P>

<P>A loud crashing noise came from the house, I turned around and saw smoke coming from my room.</P>

<P>"Why is it always my room?"</P>

<P>I looked down and saw Alfie lying on the floor.</P>

<P>"Alex run."</P>

<P>I looked up and saw someone stood in my room.</P>

<P>"Henry you have to take him to safety."</P>

<P>He transformed back into a wolf, I put Alfie on his back.</P>

<P>"Hold on tight Alfie, Henry will take you somewhere safe."</P>

<P>He opened his eyes slightly.</P>

<P>"Alex their too strong, you'll get killed. Please come with us."</P>

<P>I looked at the house, I knew he was right. I jumped onto Henry's back and held onto Alfie. While we were going through the woods I thought about who they were, why are they after me?</P>

<P>We reached the middle of the woods, there were huts set up and people living there. Henry transformed back and carried Alfie to a hut, everyone watched me as I followed him, they whispered to each other. I heard someone say my name then vampire, I didn't belong here. We entered a hut, Henry laid Alfie down on a bed and nursed his injuries. </P>

<P>"Henry I think I should go back to the house."</P>

<P>"No Alex, you said to Alfie you wouldn't, it's too dangerous!"</P>

<P>"My brothers still there. Plus I've left something that I could really use later."</P>

<P>"Fine, go save your brother."</P>

<P>I cut my wrist and held a bottle underneath to catch the drops of blood.</P>

<P>"Here, give this to Alfie when he's awake it should make him stronger."</P>

<P>Henry nodded. I left for the house, to fight, to retrive my brother, to get my sword, to get what is mine!</P>

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