Chapter 7

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Me and Jessica spent all day together seen as though we couldn't go to school, appearntly it's 'too dangerous', it's not like we can't defend ourselves. We decided to go to the local park for the day, it was empty seen as though all the kids were at school or daycare, we sat on the swings and talked.

"So have you talked to Jack latly?"

"No, I think it's best not to."

"He must be very powerful if he has purple eyes, they're so dreamy."

I looked at her strangly, at that moment a group of teenagers walked in the park, a 9 year old boy was in the middle of the group, I could notice him easily as he had a dark shade of red, he was looking down at the floor kicking the dirt. The girl at the front walked towards us, I stared at Jessica, she was looking at the girl, her bright blues eyes focused on her and her long blonde hair flowing in the wind, she looked at me.

"We have to go now!"

She grabbed my hand and dragged me off the swing, she started to walk towards the other entrance, another group appeared out of no where, Jessica turned round quickly finding away out, the groups surrounded us, the girl from before walked up to us, her red eyes staring down at Jessica then me.

"Where are you trying to run to Jessica?"

"Any where away from you."

"But we've got something of your's."

The 9 year old boy stepped forward with two other older lads, Jessica looked at him, a tear rolled down her face, she started to run towards him when the girl punched Jessica in the stomach, she fell to the floor, I ran over and helped her, I looked up at the girl.

"I see you've made friends with a vampire, a powerful one at that, best keep an eye on you."

"Who are you?"

She bent down and looked me straight in the eye.

"I'm the leader of the wolf clan in this neighboor hood and lets just say our wolf clan isn't the best one around and this little ladie tryed to rat us out to the vampires, who have power over us."

"So that's it, what did you even do to make her run?"

"Well why should I tell you."

I stood and pulled her up with me, I looked her straight into her red eyes.

"Because I order you to and if you don't you have me to deal with, what you like to be known as? The girl who got killed for not telling a vampire something? Or the girl who got killed for her actions?"

She gulped then got her words together.

"Well our clan went against the vampire rules of killing humans for food, if this rule is broken the clan's leader would be killed no matter what and the rest of the members would be taught how to get food the right way. We also may of killed a few vampires which is also against the rules."

My eyes opened wide.

"You killed humans and vampires?"

"Yes and now we will have to kill you to."

She reached for my neck, I went to my pocket, grabbed a stone and threw it in the air just in time for her to grabbed my neck and me to stab her in the stomach. She fell to the floor, a dark red puddle surrounded her.

"Thing is with wolves you can kill them easy, it takes a bit more with vampires."

She signaled for the others to attack me, the ones that did attack me ended up either dead or injuryed the rest ran away. I heard a laugh, I turned and saw the little boy curled up on the floor and Jessica getting stabbed in the heart by the brown haired girl, they both fell to the floor. I ran and knelt down next Jessica's body, I tryed and heal the injuries but it was no use.

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