There's Something Off

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Things felt different. The world was changing and the Umbrella Academy knew it. Thanks to Klaus the siblings had figured out what started the apocalypse however they had not stopped it yet. Five knew that Vanya would need time to cope with the fact that she was more than it seemed. Either way the original date of the apocalypse was two days away.

"We should have a worse case scenario guys." Luther said.

"A worse case scenario? What exactly do you propose? Killing her? She's our sister for Christ sake!" Y/N yelled.

"I didn't say kill but if you're not willing to go that way then maybe we should put her into a coma?" Luther suggested.

"It's no wonder she hates us with what you're suggesting. She has feelings too and even though she didn't fight for the academy it still damaged her mentally. I'm saying this once and I meant it. Luther if you try to kill Vanya then I will kill you." Y/N said seriously.

Everyone suddenly became silent. No one had expected things to escalates this far. They knew however that Y/N was serious. Before Luther could say anymore Y/N shifted into a wolf and walked out of the room. Y/N stalked the halls for a few hours in an attempt to calm down and it worked for the most part, but the bad blood that ran between Y/N and Luther ran quite deep. Klaus found Y/N in a corridor and kneeled down in front of them.

"Babe...? Will you change back?" Klaus asked.

Y/N shook their head.

"Please? If the world ends I don't want you stuck as a wolf. How would we ever have sex?" Klaus said while lightly laughing.

Y/N stared at Klaus for a long moment before shifting back into human form. Klaus grinned and cradled their face in his hands before kissing them gently. Y/N leaned into the kiss and draped their arms around Klaus' neck. Klaus took the moment to stand up while still holding onto Y/N. After a few moments, Y/N pulled away from the kiss. Klaus ran his fingers lightly along the side of Y/N's face.

"I love you Y/N." Klaus said softly.

"I love you too Klaus. Always have always will." Y/N murmured before nuzzling Klaus' palm.

"Let's get us some tequila then. We deserve it after having to deal with such horrid siblings." Klaus suggested with a savvy smile.

"You know me all too well." Y/N said with a grin.

Klaus and Y/N got up and walked down to the bar. Unknown to Y/N, Ben appeared and was watching you two closely. Something seemed off about Y/N to Ben.

"Klaus..." Ben started but Klaus hushed him.

"Klaus something is wrong." Ben tried again.

"What the hell are you on about Ben?" Klaus said irritated.

"Something is wrong with Y/N. I think they are sick."

"And why would you say that?"

"There's a light looming around their chest and they're looking quite pale." Ben explained.

This was the first time that Ben had ever acted like this. It was so abnormal it became alarming for Klaus. Klaus turned to look at Y/N closely.

"What's wrong Klaus?" Y/N asked before coughing into their hand.

"Ben said something is wrong. Are you alright?" Klaus asked frantically as he looked all over his lover for any signs.

"My chest just hurts a bit. I'm fine. Cmon lets go get the tequila...."

"Love.... what's going on with you? You've never been this evasive in your life."

"The doctor said I might be kind of sick... okay? It's early so I'll be fine."

"What kind of sick are we talking about?"

"I'm having issues with my lungs Klaus. They said it's from the cigarettes. It's nothing serious. "

Ben and Klaus stared at Y/N in shock. They knew that Y/N was strong willed but it was shocking to find out that Y/N had been ill this whole time. It was particularly concerning that Y/N kept it a secret. Even if it wasn't considered serious, to have an issue with lungs wasn't a great thing to hear.

"Are you going to die on me?" Klaus asked worriedly.

"Never. I would never die on you. I'm fine Klaus. I promise. It's just a cough and a tad bit of pain. Besides we have to deal with the apocalypse and having as much sex before the world ends."

Klaus couldn't help but smile at the last bit of Y/N's speech. He tugged Y/N into a tight hug and refused to let go. Y/N snuggled against Klaus' chest and enjoyed the warmth.


Y/N and Klaus were naked and curled around each other in Klaus' bed. Both of you were quite tired out after having three rounds of sex. Klaus wanted to go more but Y/N's lungs needed a break. Y/N stared up at Klaus whom was looking down at them with his head against his hand.

"You're amazing, you know that right?" Klaus whispered.

"I do now. You're not so bad yourself. I do kinda feel bad for Ben though. It must be terribly traumatic to see us."

"Oh don't you worry about my eyes I have had them shut tight this whole time. Feel sorry for my bloody ears!" Ben yelled from the other side of the room.

Klaus chuckled, "He will be fine. His eyes were closed."

A large smile spread along Y/N's lips before teasing, "Well if he's fine then I'm fine. Wanna go again?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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