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The scene was familiar before them. Another meeting was commencing in the living room. Y/N noticed, however, that Vanya was missing. It never did take long for the siblings to make Vanya feel unwanted. It was a rather depressing reality. Y/N and Klaus were the only ones that seemed close to the seemingly normal girl.

"So, Y/N was in dad's office all night researching while the rest of you lazed about. Lovely to know the fate of our lives depends on an alcoholic.... No offense Y/N." Five began.

"None taken. I'm going to have to go back to the office for more information, but as it stands dear old dad kept several journals and in one of them he mentioned that several other people were born as we were. They have kept quiet about the things they can do. So, I was thinking maybe I might be able to find a ledger of names. Worse case scenario at least we would have more fighting power for the apocalypse." Y/N explained before taking a drag from their cigarette.

"There are others? Did it mention what kind of powers?" Luther asked immediately.

"As I said, I need to read more about, but yeah. There are others out there with gifts. I haven't found out yet what exactly these people can do, but it's got to be worth a shot. I mean right now we are all sitting here in the dark basically. At least this might shed some light even if it ends up not being completely worth it. I would say that you guys should continue looking into other methods of course. I'd hate for us all to follow one lead and end up dead when we can follow several leads at once." Y/N explained.

"You're right Y/N, but before we do all that can someone please go buy a damn coffee machine and coffee for this house. I refuse to work without caffeine and I know one of you guys have to have some cash on you." Five said.


Y/N was exhausted and had been awake for a solid 48 hours. Y/N didn't want to waste any time when the end of the world was so close. While reading a book at dad's desk, Y/N began to drift off asleep. Klaus had finally stopped vomiting from withdrawal and decided to check on Y/N. He felt bad that he wasn't by their side but knew that getting clean would mean more than a few missed days. Klaus walked into dad's office and was struck by the sight of Y/N sitting at dad's desk with their head laying ontop an open book as they snored lightly. Klaus walked over to the desk and kneeled down beside Y/N.

Klaus ran his fingers through Y/N's hair before whispering, "Baby.... Wake up. You need to lie down in bed not hunched over in a chair."

"Mhm... Klaus? 'Mm tired." Y/N mumbled sleepily.

"Sweetheart, I just need you to get up long enough so I can carry you. I'll take you to my bed." Klaus promised.

Y/N slowly mustered the strength to lift their head. Y/N stared sadly into Klaus' eyes and found nothing but comfort. Y/N nodded slightly and stood up. Klaus scooped Y/N up in his arms immediately and then as a second thought also grabbed the book Y/N had currently been reading. Klaus carefully walked to his room and laid Y/N down on the bed. He went to stand up however, Y/N pulled Klaus close to their chest. Klaus chuckled lightly before laying beside Y/N and pulling the blankets over them.

"It's okay to go back to sleep Y/N. You need your rest. It's my turn to look after you. Don't worry I'll keep reading the book you were on while you sleep so the research will continue to get done." Klaus said with a smile.

"I love you." Y/N mumbled sleepily before snuggling into Klaus and falling back asleep.

It had been a long time since Klaus had felt this happy and had this much clarity. As promised, Klaus read the book while Y/N slept. Little did he know he was in for one hell of a ride because the book he was reading was the journal their dad had kept about Vanya. Klaus read every word on every page three times to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating. It was true that Vanya had powers and dad had hidden them all their lives. Klaus became engrossed in the book and soon became an expert on everything Vanya. Well, power-wise at least.


The following morning Klaus pulled Five to the side of the room before the meeting could begin. Klaus explained what he had found and how it would be crucial not to the other siblings. With the way they treated Vanya before Klaus knew that it would only get worse. So, Klaus made the decision that he and Y/N would go talk to Vanya alone. It would be the only way to do so without backing Vanya into a corner.

Y/N walked with Klaus to Vanya's apartment since it was only a few blocks away. The fresh air was needed anyway, but it also gave Klaus time to hold Y/N's hand in public. Y/N stayed close to Klaus' side causing them to bump into each other every now and then. They stopped in front of the apartment complex and took a deep breath. If this wasn't handled carefully then the world could end sooner than to be expected. They went upstairs and Y/N knocked on the door.

Vanya opened the door instantly and was surprised to see her siblings as she had hoped it was just the old lady down the hall asking about her cat.

"What are you two doing here?" Vanya whispered.

"May we come in? There's something you should know." Y/N said quietly.

"Well, alright, but I have to get going soon so make it quick. I won't let you guys mess with my routined violin practice." Vanya said as she opened the door wider so they could come in.

Once inside and the door shut, Klaus produced dad's journal out from his jacket.

"Vanya, this might be overwhelming for you.... But you need to know and I figured it would be better coming from us than from our other siblings. Dad kept several journals and this one, in particular, is all about you. He took meticulous notes about you throughout our entire childhood. You see.... Vanya, there's more to you than it appears to be. You're not normal like dad has led you to believe. You have a power too. This journal can explain it better than I can. The quick version though.... You are extremely in touch with soundwaves. This means that if you play your violin while in an emotional state you could knock down buildings and other such things. Dad explains in the journal that he had trouble trying to help you so he shoved pills down your throat and made Allison rumor you into believing you were normal and have to take pills every day for your so called anxiety attacks. I understand this is shocking and if you want us to leave so you can deal with it alone we will, but we want to be here for you. Luther may be an ass and Allison a bitch but Y/N and I actually care. We have always cared about you more than the rest of our siblings. Will you at least consider not trying to kill us?" Klaus explained.

Vanya stood in silence as she listened to Klaus. She had to admit she was extremely pissed off

about it all. However, she could sense that Y/N and Klaus genuinely gave a damn. She was happy to know that she wasn't normal however, it made her pause as well. If she stopped taking her pills to let her powers come back, then would that mean that she would never be able to play the violin again? Playing the violin had been the one constant thing in her entire life. Although she would rather stop playing violin than to accidentally hurt an innocent person with it. Vanya realized that she must have been in deep thought for some time because Klaus and Y/N were beginning to get nervous.

"I won't kill you. That's just ridiculous you guys. Though I must admit the idea of hurting Luther and Allison does sound appealing. I don't want to become some villain though. I just want to be accepted, you know? How about this... leave the journal here and I'll come back to the house tomorrow morning for one of Five's meetings." Vanya said as she took the journal out of Klaus' hands.

No. 8 [ Klaus x  Reader (gender neutral) ]Where stories live. Discover now