So Close

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Y/N was sleeping beside Klaus when they began to have a nightmare. Y/N was whimpering in their sleep. The noise was just loud enough to wake Klaus. Klaus gently shook Y/N awake. Y/N woke with a gasp and sat up with their heart pounding.

"Shh... it's okay it was just a dream Y/N." Klaus whispered as he gently rubbed Y/N's back.

"It felt so real." Y/N murmured as a shiver ran down their spine.

"I know babe. It's alright now though." Klaus continued to coax Y/N into relaxing.

Y/N got out of bed and walked over to Klaus' dresser where a bottle of beer happened to rest. Y/N gulped the entire contents down before turning around to see a half-naked Klaus now up as well. Klaus moved slowly towards Y/N before wrapping them in his arms.

"I promise I'll protect you." Klaus said.

"Me too. Tell her me too Klaus!" Ben said.

Klaus laughed, "Ben said he'll protect you too."

Y/N couldn't help but laugh as well. It was very rare that Ben talked to Y/N but when he did it tend to make things easier. When Ben was alive, they didn't spend a lot of time together but that didn't mean that they didn't care about each other.

"I don't think I'm going back to bed love. I'm going to grab a bottle of tequila and go ransack Dad's office." Y/N admitted.

"Ooh that sounds like fun! Mind if a pop a pill?" Klaus said, but with genuine thought towards Y/N's feelings.

Y/N smiled small before saying, "Only if you share a pack of cigs with me. I smoked the last of mine this morning."

"Sounds fair." Klaus said, before handing over a pack of cigarettes.

Y/N lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply before breathing out smoke. Y/N headed downstairs for the tequila before going to the office. Once the lights were turned on and the tequila bottle opened, Y/N began to research. It was three hours later that Klaus became bored, but Y/N believed that was a record to begin with.

"Babe, we should fuck on dad's desk." Klaus suggested as he started tugging at Y/N's shirt.

"Mmhm... we gotta wait Klaus. Remember Five's bet." Y/N teased.

Klaus whined loudly before slamming his lips against yours. Y/N's will power seemed to disappear as they leaned into Klaus. A few seconds later Klaus tugged Y/N's shirt off. Y/N pushed Klaus away slightly.

"Come now, how is this fair?" Y/N said with a pout.

"We can stop if you want.... Please don't want to." Klaus murmured.

* In order to stay gender neutral I won't write a sex scene. Just picture having mind blowing sex with Klaus. ;) *

Time Skip

Y/N slowly tugged their clothes back on and watched Klaus as he did the same. The sex had been amazing and definitely worth the wait. Too bad that the world was about to end unless they could find a way to stop it.

"Klaus...." Y/N whispered.

"Yeah?" Klaus asked worriedly.

"If the world doesn't end, would you marry me?" Y/N asked quietly, afraid of the answer.

Klaus stared at Y/N for a long time. Not because he didn't understand but because he wanted to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Klaus nodded with a grin before tugging Y/N into his arms. He held Y/N as close as possible.

"Of course Y/N you're the only one for me." Klaus said honestly.

Time Skip

It was several hours later when Five was wandering around the house. He wanted to have another meeting, but he couldn't find Y/N and Klaus. Five happened to notice the light was on in dad's office even though it was daylight out. Looking at his watch, Five confirmed that it was indeed ten in the morning so the light shouldn't been on. Five walked into the office to find stacks of books everywhere, two empty bottles of tequila, an ashtray full of cigarette buts, and Y/N and Klaus fully clothed but passed out on the floor. Five shook his head. He knew this was nothing out of the ordinary for the two, but still, he wondered why on earth they would choose the office to party in. After several tries, Five managed to wake them up.

"Why did you decided to party in dad's office?" Five asked, trying to be patient.

"Mhm, stop yelling," Klaus said.

"I'm not yelling you, idiot. Now answer the question." Five said.

"I was researching with dad's shit to see if anything might help." Y/N admitted.

"How does tequila and Klaus help with that?" Five asked amusedly.

"Well for the relaxation of course. By the way, Klaus gives a nice fuck." Y/N said with a shit-eating grin.

"Damnit! Vanaya wins. You seriously couldn't hold out any longer?" Five said.

"Well, how could I resist his charm?" Y/N teased.

"By not fucking looking at him." Five said.

By this point, Klaus was howling with laughter. Klaus tugged Y/N into his lap and held them close. Five groaned and left the room. Y/N nuzzled Klaus' chest before looking up at him.

"So, I give a nice fuck, eh?" Klaus said amusedly.

"Mmm... yes, very good." Y/N murmured before kissing Klaus gently.

Klaus ran his fingers through your hair as he stared into Y/N's eyes. This was the happiest he had ever been.

"I'm going to sober up, drug wise anyway. I can't let you have tequila all by yourself." Klaus promised.

"I'll be here for you always, Klaus. Let me know how I can help." Y/N agreed.

Together they got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Little did they know that Y/N was close to being about to reveal the answer to stopping the world. If Y/N had only read the last book in the pile that they had been studying from. 

No. 8 [ Klaus x  Reader (gender neutral) ]Where stories live. Discover now