Chapter 11

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Hi guys! Thanks so much for waiting patiently! I hope you enjoy the chapter!


"You're seriously going to retaliate? You think that's the right thing to do?"

"I'm the head of the mafia, Fran, do you really think I'm looking at the right thing to do right now?"

"You really want to remind me of the fact that you've lied to me for three years? Seriously?" Fran's frustration was mounting more than it ever had before. Typically when in a stressful situation, she was always able to get out of it.

There was no escaping this.

"Fran, let's just stop and talk a little," Tony was desperate, and he felt trapped as well. It was looking like there'd be no way to get his wife to keep their marriage intact, and his men were dropping like flies.

"Fine. Talk." She was done with this situation, and just the fact that Tony was considering a counterattack told her he wasn't the same man she married.

"Please don't interrupt me, this will go a lot quicker and smoother if you'd let me finish," Fran open her mouth to retaliate, only to shut it again. She hadn't really given him the chance to explain before.

"My father, my grandfather, and my great-grandfather have all led before me. I was raised to be in this position, and the only way out is death. That's all there is."

"There's no way," Fran scoffed, "your parents would rather you live than not be the head of the mafia, Tony."

"Well, you never met my parents did you Fran? Do you wanna to know why that was?" Tony felt sick to his stomach sharing all this information with her, but it needed to happen. She deserved to know after everything he'd put her through recently. "It's because they were murdered, Fran. By Sangue Verde. They've been after me ever since."

"My life has been in danger since we met and you didn't tell me?" Her voice was incredulous and he tried not to wince at her words.

"This. This is what I didn't want you to go through."

"I wouldn't be going through this if I had just been told from the beginning!"

"You would have left, and we both know it," he murmured, his eyes alight with anger and desperation.

"What do you think is going to happen now, Tony?" Fran hadn't meant to say that. Yes, she'd been thinking it, but she knew how much the question would hurt him. Though he hurt her, pain is something she would never wish upon him.

"Fran, please," Tony's voice was a mere whisper now. He'd lost any confidence he had in the situation.

"I need you to understand me, Tony. If you'd told me in the beginning, yes there would have been a high chance of me leaving, but there also would have been a high chance I would have understood because I'm in love with you!" Her voice was shrill, and it looked like Tony had shrunk into himself.

"It would have put you in more danger if you had known—"

"No!" Fran shouted, clenching her eyes shut. "If I knew, I could have been more careful about my surroundings and the people I allow around me."

"Those are things you shouldn't have had to worry about!" Tony's voice wasn't raising at all. He was fighting a loosing battle and had lost track of why he'd caused the battle in the first place.

"I just don't understand how you just decided one day to take over and ruin an innocent girl's life." Fran was crying now. Tony felt tears father in his own eyes but he clenched them shut, trying to stay calm.

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