Chapter 4

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Fran was very excited for tonight.

Tony had woken her up before he'd left early in the morning to let her know that he'd bring dinner home for them. She was in jeans and a grey t-shirt, sitting on the couch in the living room.  Her leg wouldn't stop bouncing in anticipation.

It was all she could think of at practice today, which led to some distracted slip-ups that got her scolded by her instructor.

To be fair, it wasn't her fault. He was rarely home for meals despite how much she begged. They really only ate together on date nights, a date that was specified weeks in advance so he was able to move things around and get some free time.

She was used to it by now.

But, out of nowhere and for no reason, he was going to be home for dinner! While she could cook it wasn't her favorite thing to do, so she was very glad he'd be bringing home food.

A beep echoed throughout the house to let her know that the car was pulling in the driveway. Tony also had a driver and security guard named Tate Kadell. He was an older man, probably in his fifties, and was someone Tony trusted very very much.

Fran disliked Tate when they first met, because he was always interrupting Tony and her, then he would take Tony away to deal with work emergencies. She'd gotten used to it since then, but every once in a while it was annoying.

Especially when they were in the middle of sex. The first time Tony had left her naked and waiting she couldn't believe it. They were both so into what they were doing that Tony had finally cracked open the door to yell.

She'd never felt so humiliated in her life.

After a quick shower and a change into her pajamas, she sat in front of the TV crying silently. Tony was livid when he came home, wanting to track down whoever had made her cry, but she just shook her head silently. He was mortified when he learned she was crying because Tate had opened the door and told him he was needed, and he went.

He hadn't left without asking her since then, and she'd forgiven him long ago.

"Fran? I'm home!" Tony shouted and she heard the door shut behind him. Fran stood, thighs protesting because of practice today.

She ignored the pain in her legs as she ran to the doorway and jumped, cashing Tony by surprise. He dropped the bags he was holding to wrap his arms around her, chuckling the whole time.

"I haven't been gone that long, have I Fran?" He asked jokingly. She burrowed her head in his neck, giving it a small kiss then moving to his lips and doing the same. He grunted and deepened the kiss before pulling away.

"You're just not home for dinner often, I like it," she murmured. Fran slid down his body until her feet touched the floor. She smiled at him and the way he smiled back was her addiction. God, she loved this man.

"Well, you're in luck," he said, picking up the bags he'd dropped on the ground. "I got Slam Burger."

Yes! That was her favorite restaurant of all time, but she rarely had it anymore. She was trying to focus on more of a healthy diet.

The smile slowly faded from her face as she stared at the bag. Was he trying to butter her up?

"What's wrong?" She asked, trying to make eye contact. He was avoiding it.

"Let's just eat, yeah?" He said. Tony led the way to the dining table and began to pull out items from the bag. Her stomach rumbled as she stared at it.

Fran let him pass out the food, then unwrap it, and begin to eat before she asked again.

"What's wrong?" It wasn't a good sign that after she asked he sighed and put his burger down. Tony grabbed a napkin and began to wipe the grease from his fingers. She hadn't even taken a bite yet, her stomach rolling with nerves.

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