The First Trial

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Emma and E walked side by side up the steps to a building that stood higher than those around it and while the others were shuttered, paint peeling and parts of the house hanging off appearing as though a small gust of wind could knock them down, the building they were standing before was beautifully gothic and seemingly recently renovated.

They opened the door walking through the door. The inside was all but empty. There was one woman, sitting behind a desk, typing on a computer but that was it. Leather couches and chairs sat to their left allowing anybody who sat in them to watch the TVs mounted to the walls.

They walked up to the desk, standing there until the secretary acknowledged them. "Can I help you?" She asked barely looking away from her computer.

"We need to open the trials," E said, "Please."

"Okay," the secretary responded, "You know where to go. I'll unlock the first trial. As your guest complete them, they will unlock, one by one until you are finished at which time you will be returned here. Good luck."

E lead Emma past the secretary to the very end of the hallway. They made it to the only door besides the entrance when E finally stopped and turned her attention to Emma. She looked at Emma, tears hiding just below the surface. She wiped them away and took Emma's hands.

"Emma, darling," E started, "This is where I leave you. You have to do these trials by yourself and as you do, I fade from existence. I will be no more but don't cry for me. I will live on with you and I want you to know that I love you. I loved you since I met you and have loved you every second of the time we had."

"No, no no," Emma said, tears streaming down her face, her eyes pleading with E, "You can't go. I need you... I need you. Please."

"You don't need me," E said, looking down, a sad look in her eyes.

"Yes I do E," Emma said, visibly irritated, "How fucking dare you tell me what I do and don't need!"

"Emma, please don't make this harder than it needs to be. You'll be okay," E said, trying to calm Emma down.

"You're right," Emma said, still upset, nearly screaming at E, her eyes glowing blood red, "I will be okay. Every relationship I have had ends like this. I love too easily and with everything I have but when people leave, I keep breathing. It's all the same bullshit."

"Emma!" E yelled, her voice echoing off the walls. "Stop this. We will always have a relationship. Snap out of it and realize that we are one and the same. You will become me. How would we be together then? Huh?"

"I... I... don't know," Emma said, her anger deflated, "I guess I just didn't want to lose somebody else."

"It's okay darling," E said, "Now, go beat those trials and make us one. Then I'll be with you forever, despite your not seeing me. Just promise me you will do something for me?"

"Anything," Emma said.

"Love me until annihilation," E said. She stole one last kiss before walking away from Emma. Emma watched until she disappeared from sight. She smiled before turning back toward the door and opened the door, preparing herself for whatever may come next.


The room was dark. Emma hesitantly walked forward, searching the wall for a light switch. Click. A soft glow illuminated the room, revealing a nursery. Emma walked around looking around taking in the bubble gum pink walls with puffy white clouds, and a pile of stuffed animals of various species, and books scattered all over the floor.

Emma picked up one of the books, a guide to raising a baby, a demon baby. As she looked around she realized they were all books with tips and advice for parents with the difference that they were specifically on demonic babies. Many of them appeared to have stains on them, possibly from tears and some had pages torn out.

Emma ran over to the crib and looked in, happy to see a cute baby, swaddled in a pink blanket. The baby's eyes were closed, her chest rising and lowering with each breath. Emma's heart swelled. She looked on, lost in her thoughts.

"Cute huh?" Emma nearly lept out of her skin. A woman who appeared to be in her early 20's seemed to come out of nowhere, now standing next to Emma looking at the baby.

"Who are you?" Emma asked.

"Family," the stranger said, "Who are you?"

"I... don't know," Emma said.

"You are lost?" The stranger asked.

"I... don't know," Emma said.

"Well you could walk out that door and try to find yourself, or you could come with me. I could help you," the stranger offered, reaching out her hand.

"Okay," Emma said.

"Swell," the stranger said, taking Emma's hand, dragging her toward a door that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Through the door was a garden, blooming with lilacs, roses and daffodils. A marble fountain, streams of water coming from four spouts was located in the middle of the garden, a scene carved from marble as well, depicting two demons embracing each other, love in their eyes sat on top as well.

Emma looked around, smiling at the beauty of this place, untouched by man, allowed to bloom and prosper without interference. The stranger ran ahead, looking back at Emma, calling her to follow. Emma ran after her, picking the occasional flower and smelling the flora, bringing a giant smile to her face. Emma had caught up to the stranger and ran with her, laughing and feeling true happiness.

Everything was perfect until Emma stopped, her sides hurting from the effort she had exerted. "Hey, wait. Please... stop," Emma called out to the stranger. She stopped a few hundred feet from her and turned to respond to Emma.

"Come on slowpoke," the stranger said, goading Emma, "Catch me if you can." She turned and continuing running.

"No!" Emma screamed out. "Stop! Please." Suddenly, the stranger stopped. She turned her head back toward Emma, blood spilling from her mouth, fear in her eyes. Emma ran as fast as her legs would take her, wishing she could move faster with everything she had. Suddenly she found herself flying toward the stranger. Wings had sprouted from her back allowing her to take off and speed to the stranger.

It felt like she was just flying in the same place. She felt no closer to the stranger. The stranger was now looking at Emma, frozen in place, her eyes pleading for Emma's help. Emma cried harder than she ever had before, willing herself to get to the stranger. Something seemed to snap and she was able to zoom to the stranger's side.

"No, no, no, no, no," Emma said, catching the stranger before she hit the ground, "Don't you dare leave me. Stay with me. Please. Just focus on me. I won't let you go. I can't"

"You have to," the stranger said between coughs, spitting up blood, "Let me go. You did all you could. I forgive you. Now you have to forgive yourself."

"No! I can't. You can't leave me. Please don't go," Emma said, pleading with the stranger.

"I have to. You have to let go of me and continue," She said, pointing to a door that stood a couple of hundred feet away, leading to god knows what.

"I can't. I don't know how to go on," Emma said, tears falling on the stranger's blood-soaked body.

"Yes you do, and she will help," the stranger said, pointing toward the door. Afterwards, the stranger's body went limp. Emma now held the lifeless body, crying into the stranger's body, refusing to move. Suddenly a hand gripped her shoulder.

"That's not swell," the voice said, "My name's Valera. What's yours?"

"Emma," Emma said, looking up at Valera who had to be in her 30's and looked strangely familiar.

"Nice to meet you, Emma," Valera held her hand out. Emma took it and Valera helped lift her up to her feet. Emma wiped her tears away, her wings retracting back into her body. She bent down to kiss the stranger on the forehead and whisper I love you before following Valera through the door to the next trial... 

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