Three's a Charm

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Emma's eyes opened to a bright stream of light. She shielded her eyes. Her head was pounding, and her stomach was rumbling. After her memory came back to her of the events from the night before, Emma got anxious. Crelasa wasn't in bed with her and there was no note or any other indication of where she had gone. The thought that Crelasa was just a dream crossed her mind.

Emma shook her head and decided to get up out of bed and go get some food. She hoped Crelasa had just woke up before her. Out in the kitchen, there was a letter. Emma picked it up and read it:

My Sweet One:

I will return soon. I was summoned by my... boss. I should be back before you awaken but if I am not, do not fear. You will see me again. I just have some... matters to attend to first.

Kisses and Whips

Your lover

Emma smiled. She was just glad she hadn't imagined the night before. It was her day off so she forced herself not to worry. She ate and had a cup of coffee. Once her belly was full and mind alert, she logged onto her home computer and looked up showtimes for a new movie that had come out.

One of her favorite things to do was go to the local drive-in movie theatre and watch whatever new movie had come out that week. So, she bought two tickets, one for herself and one for Crelasa if she came back in time. The movie wouldn't be until later that night anyway.

Emma decided to clean up the house while Crelasa was gone. She did some dishes and vacuumed and reorganized her movie collection. While she was doing all of this, she couldn't help but feel as though someone was watching her.

She was paranoid but figured it was just her worry getting to her. She made some Tea for herself and sat down to try to relax. Her relaxation didn't last long though. The front door busted open and Crelasa ran in, panting and covered in blood. Emma was unsure if it was her own or not. She did not care though.

Emma stood up, ran to shut the door and bolt it as best she could, and rushed to Crelasa's side. She put her arms around her friend and sat her down on the couch. Blood from Crelasa had transferred over to Emma but all Emma cared about was helping Crelasa.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"I... I... I seem to be out of a job." Crelasa's voice was shaky. Emma hadn't known her for long but this was not the Crelasa she had come to know.

"The blood. The running. I don't understand," Emma couldn't wrap her head around Crelasa's meaning.

"I should explain," Crelasa said.

"Okay. I'm listening." Emma said.

"I am a demon. We, or at least some of us, are sick of the status quo. The younger demons, like me, want to live among humans. We want to end the law against contact and relationship with humans," Crelasa said, it wasn't particularly surprising to Emma. She thought back to the tail and the explanation just made sense, "I was summoned by my master because of my contact with you last night. He had wanted me to just steal your soul and when he saw my refusal he brought me in for punishment. I decided I had enough of it and killed him and left."

"Wow." Emma didn't know how to process all of this. Her mind raced with the implications of this. She worried that another demon might come to take her soul. She thought maybe that's what the feeling she had earlier was.

"Yeah. Here, give me your hand," Crelasa took Emma's hand and held it, a vibrating pulse coming from Crelasa's hand and heading through Emma's hands and spreading throughout her body, "There. Now you will be invisible, essentially, to other demons. Now I know it will be a big change but we need to get you out of this house. It reeks of you and my charm will not be able to hide you from... what the hell?"

A War for the Soul (The Demon War Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now