An Ugly Breakup and A Messy Meeting

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Emma woke up in a sweat. Her phone had a couple of minutes before it would start blaring an obscene noise as a way to ostensibly wake her up. She turned it off before it could inflict a headache upon her. She continued to lay under the covers and scrolled through Twitter. Once she was bored of catching up on her social media, she sat up, stretched and got out of bed.

The coffee machine squirted out a stream into the mug Emma laid out, steam rolling off the top of the mug. Emma took out the french vanilla creamer and poured some into the mug. She brought her coffee and a strawberry flavored morning bar into the living room and turned on the TV. She put a rerun of some late night show on and ate her fruity bar and drank her coffee.

It was time to get ready for work. Emma took a shower and once dry, put some business casual clothes on and headed to work. She arrived at the AngelTech building and went in. The elevator took her up to the sixth floor where her office was. She took off her jacket and sat in her chair. There was a list of various things her boss wanted her to complete on a sticky note attached to the screen of her computer.

She connected her Bluetooth headphones to the computer and pulled up a playlist she liked. Then she got to work. She fixed some code on the website, emailed some contractors the company went through, looked up what stores around the facility had the upgrades for the computers they needed, and once she found one, she ordered the parts, grabbed her jacket and headed out to pick up the supplies.

"Order for Emma." The salesman snapped Emma out of her trance. She put her phone away and grabbed the box. It was a little heavier than she had expected.

"Thank you." Emma left the stuffy store and returned back to work. She dropped the box off at the front desk and punched out. She left to go get some lunch with her girlfriend. Their lunch date was at the local coffee shop. Emma hadn't been there before, but Daisy swore by it. Emma arrived before Daisy so she picked a table and waited.

"Hello. Would you like to order now or are you waiting for someone?" The waitress asked.

"I'm waiting for someone, but could I get some water?" Emma didn't want to be rude so she decided to just wait for Daisy. Daisy seemed distant lately but Emma loved her and was not going to give up. She needed this relationship. It gave her sanity.

"Okay. I'll be right back with that and I'll keep an ear out for you so just holler when your friend gets here." The waitress left, got the water, brought the water to Emma and left to tend to other tables.

Emma sat there, checking her phone every five seconds. She got restless very fast. Her legs started bouncing and terrible thoughts crossed her mind. What if Daisy wasn't coming. What if something happened to her. What if Daisy didn't love her and just forgot about their date.

Five minutes passed. Then five more minutes passed. Another five. After about an hour had passed since they were supposed to meet, Emma was getting irritated. She called Daisy and got her voicemail. She left a passive aggressive message and decided she would just order some food and eat without Daisy. She didn't seem like she was coming.

The waitress came over and took Emma's order. A sympathetic look spread across her face. She saw Emma had been stood up and decided she would brighten Emma's day by putting the order on the house. Emma loved the chicken sandwich she ordered. She had been reminded of how hungry she was when she saw the sandwich come out. She hadn't eaten since this morning and she hadn't had much at that, so she devoured the sandwich.

Emma decided to head home after that. She was fuming in the car, ranting to herself about how shitty it was that Daisy had stood her up. She thought of all she was going to say to her when she got home. Daisy had the day off and the fact that she missed their date, hurt Emma so much.

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