Chapter 4

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Welcome welcome

As akutasi walks to the taxi he looks around himself. A bit sad no one stopped him on his birthday, leaving the house where his party should be, going away from his home. He silently cry's to himself in thought, "Always left out when I should feel included, especially today, today was supposed to be my day, not my brothers, not fuutos, not emas, Mine....." Bringing himself out of his thoughts was a car horn. Looking up he sees the taxi and goes to the trunk to put his things inside, soon closing it and getting into the backseat. He gives the driver the address and there off. Somewhere along the way he drifts to sleep after realizing how tired he was.

An hour later

Jerking up from the floor he realizes he's no longer inside the taxi, but outside of it. He was littered in blood and bruises. Cuts here and there, chaos around him. Fire erupts from the taxi he now realizes was turned on its side and leaking oil. He gets up with a limp and sees multiple ambulances, one was currently speeding off to the hospital another soon follows. He gets into the back of one of the ambulances so he can get help at the hospital. Looking at the person on the stretcher he sees the driver, poor guy looks dead yet the monitor says other wise. Reaching the hospital he makes his way in and follows to where they are bringing the driver hoping to get treated. They head to the ER but set up a room for the man for when he gets out. akutasi goes in to the room and sits waiting for them to come back. He wanted to make sure the man was at least alive, they were in the same car after all.

Time skipu

The man comes back into the room unconscious and is hooked up right away. The nurse immediately leaves ignoring akutasi, much like his family. Thats when he realizes masaomi works at the hospital he's at. He leaves the room and wonders the halls looking for him, sooner than expected he finds him on the phone in a room with one of the patients from the accident he was in. He walks further inside after the phone call cause he didnt want to be rude and just as hes about to call him he hears fuuto. Surprised he turns to look at him to see him in tears. Holding out his Hands akutasi expected him to come into his open arms, but when fuuto came running at him..... He just passed through him. Shocked at this he turns to see fuuto bawling his eyes out in masaomis arms. Not understanding he looks at the patient and shock fills his features. He was in the bed. HE was in the bed. Fuuto passed THROUGH him. He must be DEAD, was the first thought to pass after his observation. He was interrupted by masaomi speaking, "He's not dead..... But he is in a coma..... We don't know how long it will be till he wakes up..... I know how much you loved each other....... I loved him like that too.........." Those words shocked akutasi.... "Masa nii, he loved me more than a sibling like fuu kun." He fell to his knees unable to respond, he was in an accident, he is no longer in his body, masaomi was in love with him, fuuto who never cried around him was bawling his eyes out. He was extremely shocked that his mind didnt know what to do. A few seconds later he hears the heart monitor go crazy and his body looks to be having a seizure. Masaomi immediately goes to help and fuuto get escorted out of the room to shocked to move or react.

Minutes later

The monitor goes flat and a single noise surrounds the room. Cry's could be heard throughout the room. Masaomi and fuuto being the only ones there. The other brothers thinking he only got a scratch and didnt bother to show up other than natsume a few minutes later. He too soon joined the water works. Meanwhile akutasi just stands there watching. A doctor came inside and said the detail. Asahina Akutasi, Born February 29th 1993 at 12am, died February 29th 2010 at 6:37pm, age of 17.


Akutasi wakes with a start. Natsume nudging him to wake up. He looks around to see he's inside the taxi still but in front of natsumes apartment. He starts to have tears pile up in his eyes and natsume starts to freak out not knowing how to react. Akutasi hugs natsume and doesn't let go. Afraid of death, afraid of leaving, afraid of forgetting.....

April fools

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