The Encounter Part 2

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A/N: It's been awhile since I started this story, hope it's not too short. Might consider it a filler.


Recap on Character Details:

Name: Hyuuga Hinata

Age: 18.

Height: 5 ft. 4 in.

Weight: 145 lbs.

Birthday: December 27.

Zodiac: Capricorn.

Rank: Jounin.

From: Leaf.

Teacher: Yuuhi Kurenai.

Teammates: Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba and Akamaru.

Family: Hyuuga Hiashi (Father), Hyuuga Hanabi (younger sister), Hyuuga Neji (cousin).


Stranger POV

As I held the, as I held Hinata there in my arms and stared gently at her tired, beautiful face I realize that in my arms I hold a very rare precious being.

In those brief moments that we shared before she lost consciousness, she somehow opened both my eyes and heart to feel compassion for someone other than my senpai.

Her selfless act to protect and ensure the safety of her teammates made a sizeable impact in my mind and made me realize that I am not alone.

That is one characteristic of what a real or true ninja is. Someone who selflessly places the welfare or safety of others before him or herself.

I have never lived in the light or in the darkness, but the grey space in-between. Personally I prefer the shadows, they suit me quite well in my line of work. After all, a true shinobi is a hired warrior or mercenary that excelled in espionage, sabotage, infiltration and assassination.

But, holding this beautiful, young woman in my arms makes me realize that Hinata was not suited for the hard life of a shinobi.

At least not yet.

As I assured myself that the area was secure and allowed those perimeter bugs in the forest to return to their guard duty by releasing the environmental paralysis jutsu in the surrounding area.

I made sure that Hinata's breathing was even and constant, that she hadn't sustained any injuries that had been overlooked and even managed to treat and wrapped my own injury from the most recent mission. The gash I received for my carelessness was about mid-thigh but not too deep, so it wouldn't require more than 5 or 6 sutures at most.

As the last suture was placed with my practiced hand, I came to the final conclusion that Hinata was not spending the rest of the night here with her squad. In my mind I was the only one who was qualified of watching over her.

'She is ours to protect, ONLY ours!!!' My inner form stated/yelled quite loudly to make itself known.

I silently agreed with myself by finishing up and putting away my medical supplies.

After wrapping my injury, I took the opportunity to gather a few things of what I assumed were Hinata's belongings and teleported her and myself out of the clearing into a small cavern behind a waterfall that was about a mile and half from the rookies' camp.

Even though I was sure she would be fine I just couldn't convince myself to leave her there with the others. My instincts and mind just refused to allow any separation, no matter how small, between us at this time.

As I made sure that she was comfortable on the make-shift bed I had set up a few days earlier and laid myself down beside her, blocking the only entrance and exit to this small cavern.

I made sure that there is a small space between us still, more for her comfort than mine. If it were up to me there wouldn't be any empty space between us, but I didn't want to give a heart attack when she woke up.

I had already caused her enough difficulty breathing once and I wouldn't want a repeat performance or a grand entrance to a major organ failure.

As I lay on my side so that I can get a good look at the young woman sleeping beside me, I realize how ethereal her beauty really is. As I continue to watch her resting face, she moves to a more comfortable position and lies on her side facing me.

Long, full dark eyelashes, which protect her beautiful yet regretfully absent gaze, are resting upon her almost flawless pale porcelain white skin. Her full lips have a natural bright red hue. 'Aww, when she pouts her lips look (A/N: Can he say it??) so beautiful and sexy!!!!!.'

'Damn!!! Her boyfriend is one lucky son of a b-', my alter ego starts to inform me but I tune him out as my eyes start to feel heavy for some much needed sleep.

The last thing my conscious mind can process at this time is how beautiful Hinata is and how extremely lucky I am at this very moment.

'An angel, I am in the presence of an earth-bound angel.' I hear my alter ego whisper and for once I totally agree with him/myself.


Hinata POV

'Why do I feel and loved?'

'Is this a trick? A genjutsu perhaps?'

'Or is it...Mother?'

'Is that you? I feel safe again; does that mean I'm re-united with you once more?'

No. The smell, sound and feelings are so different than what my mind associates with your memory. I can't smell the usual sweet scent of your garden's roses on your body.

The sound of your heartbeat isn't so erratic and your breathing sounds clearer now.

Even the feeling of your cool, petite and soft body has changed.

'What is this smell?'

Instead I smell a strong earthy scent mixed with a bit of sweat and I think there's a slight metallic smell of blood. To be honest though, I don't feel repulsed by it.

The rhythm of this heartbeat is filled with more life, strength and determination than any heartbeat I've ever heard before.

The breaths sound clear and there seems to be a small rumbling, it could almost be considered a small snore. Again it doesn't bother me at all, it actually sounds like a soothing lullaby to me.

The body I'm resting by is so much warmer, larger and harder than mine. The lure of the warmth draws me closer to body.

'What is this feeling?'

But the biggest difference is the life essence or energy that this body seems to radiate in waves.

The smells, sounds and sensations that describe life are what draw me closer or entice me to remain in its very presence.

'Life. Life illuminates the way we view everything around us, even shining on death so that the darkness can recede and one can properly grieve and reminisce on the happier times.'

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