Mother's Letter and the Encounter Part 1

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****Edited Version****

Time Skip: 1 Year


September 12, 2014

Dear Mother,

I miss you so much!! Why did you have to leave? Why couldn't someone else have taken your fate? I feel all alone even when I'm surrounded by my peers. But let's not dwell on that now, shall we? No, we should talk about the current situation.

I'm so sorry I haven't been to the shrine to see you, but I have been helping the Kazekage rebuild the sand village from the after effects of the war with Madara, even though the war didn't reach that far into those lands. The Hokage and the council deemed it a B-rank mission to help the sand village with their low food and resource supplies.

The mission was a huge success!! But I think the village elders did this type to mission to further strengthen the alliance between the leaf and the sand village.

But everyone is well, everyone...well, but me it seems.

Oh, I almost forgot, I did it mother!! I finally did it. I confessed to Naruto, you know the boy I always spoke to you about. During the battle with Pein, Naruto was having a hard time defending against the akatsuki leader but I managed to help Naruto just a little bit with my very own secret jutsu I had been working on. Right before I was savagely attacked by Pein I was able to confess to Naruto my feelings. I don't remember much after that moment, all I was told was that Naruto transformed after he saw what had happened to me and that everyone had thought I had died after that brutal attack from Pein.

Thankfully and now I think that, unfortunately I had received some sort of medical attention, according to Sakura it had been a very brief healing session since I was still in a very critical condition but that brief encounter stabilized me enough to have survived.

Even after all that seems he only has eyes for Haruno Sakura. He even told me during this very mission that he is only interested in pursuing a relationship with Sakura and that it wouldn't be fair to me because he only saw me as a very good friend.

I only responded to that with tears in my eyes and a huge lump in me throat, that I wished them both all the happiness and luck in the world. The stuttering was actually very minimal as I spoke to him, to my surprise. But even while and after I told him this, I wondered to myself: 'Why can't he see through this fake mask and smile that I have now? Is he really that clueless or does he refuse to see the real me or the way my heart is breaking?'

Please answer me honestly Mother, but am I destined to be alone always?

Will no one ever see through this mask and fake smile that hides my true self? It seems that way, doesn't it?

I must stop here but I will tell you more once we arrive to the village.

Good night Mother.

With always much love

Your daughter,

Hyuga Hinata


Hinata's POV

I read the letter once and re-read it one last time, before throwing it in the small fire I had going to start preparing some dinner. I looked to the night sky for any sign of acknowledgment from my mother. This has been my weekly ritual since I was a young child. I believed that writing to my mother and then burning the letter so that my mother would be able to receive it.

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