System Failure Part 1

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Catra actually comes with them to the week's rebellion meeting instead of sneaking in early or hiding outside the window and Adora, an idiot, just thinks that's great.

And she sits down, and Catra's still standing, and the queen comes in, and Catra's still standing.

Catra stares right at the queen and climbs into Micah's seat without breaking eye contact.

Adora's heart stops.

"Catra," the queen grinds out.

"What?" says Catra. Her tail starts to lash and her claws are gripping the armrest.

"That's not your chair."

"What are you going to do about it?" Catra demands.

Adora should get up.

She should she should she should.

She doesn't want Catra to do this and she doesn't want Catra to get hurt.

But she wants to know too.


And the thought of the queen's anger turned on her is so terrifying, whatever horrible things the queen can actually do are nothing compared to the idea of provoking her in the first place, she doesn't know how Catra can do this, and Adora is stuck in place.

"Make me!" Catra snarls, her ears flat and all her fur on end. "Go on and make me! I'm not afraid of you!"

Glimmer touches Catra's side.

Glimmer yips and claps her hands over her nose and there's barely time to register the absolute terror on Catra's face before she's bolted over the top of the chair and flung herself toward the doorway.

"It was an accident," Adora tells the queen.

"Ow," Glimmer says.

"It was an accident." Catra smashes shoulder-first into the wall, gets her hands and feet back under her and takes off to the left, out of sight. "It was an accident she didn't mean to. She scratches me all the time."

"That doesn't really help your case as much as you think it does, Adora," Glimmer says, rolling her eyes. She pulls her hand back and Adora can see the red line across the tip of her nose. Bow is making a face at it.

"It was an accident I swear it was an accident!"

The queen just sighs and holds up a hand. "It was an accident."

"It was an accident!"

"Yes. You can sit down now. Let's just continue."

Adora can't hear any of it over her heart hammering. She presses her hands into her lap, presses her arms against her sides.

When it ends and the queen stands Adora jumps to her feet.

"I'm sorry for what happened. I should have done something and I didn't and-"

The queen just sighs.

"I - I can go g-g-g-"

"That won't be necessary."

It's always so much worse when people have to go through the frustrating process of finding Catra first. "Please, it's my responsibility, I should have, I could have stopped her," Adora begs.

The queen shakes her head. "Your friend's actions are not your responsibility."


They can just go though, they can go, she can find Catra first and run.

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