The Sea Gate

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Adora's never really understood Catra's problem with boats.

"Oh, because you're all furry," Bow says.

"What does that have to do with being stuck in the middle of an endless expanse of water?" Catra says, almost baffled out of her dread. "Do you think being mostly hairless is going to save you? It won't!"

There's so many terrifying things that actually happened to be afraid of but Catra, for some reason, got fixated on something she just imagined would be really terrible to go through. "It's not going to sink," Adora says. "Come on, we both know how boats work." And yes, this boat is exceptionally tiny -

"I also know how waves work!" Catra howls.

- but this man is an experienced sea captain, which means he's been on it many times and isn't dead yet.

"That isn't how statistics work and you know it!"

It's close enough. Adora picks up Catra and staggers into the boat, where the rocking makes Catra kick her way off Adora again and latch all four sets of claws into the wood at the bottom.

Adora considers, and then thinks better of, saying that's bad for the hull's integrity.

"Are you okay?" Glimmer says again. "If you're this scared of drowning maybe you should go back."

Catra's ears flick dismissively. "You can get drowned anywhere and I bet I'm wigglier than you. Only babies are scared of that."

"We have a map, Catra," Adora tells her. "Even if we can't see the shore we know what direction it's in. We're not going to just be lost and you really are a good swimmer. Plus this whole thing is made of wood for some reason and wood bits float, that's what driftwood is, so if it does get smashed up by a wave you'll have pieces to use as a kickboard."

For some reason Sea Hawk thinks this means he should tell them about how his last two boats lit on fire.

"We're going to all die," Catra groans in the bottom of the boat.

Sea Hawk breaks into song.

In the end, they get there without being swamped by a wave or the whole ship burning down or becoming hopelessly lost and slowly dying because seriously Catra, it's not going to happen.

Catra goes still and begins to radiate intent when land finally comes into view.

"Don't swim over," Adora tells her immediately. "You'll be all wet the whole time we're here, and it'll be salty and itchy, and if you try to lick yourself drier you'll throw up, and there's no reason when we're almost there."

Catra makes a exceptionally theatrical groan even for her, then rolls over on her back and mimes being dead, but she does wait until Sea Hawk's ship has almost reached the rocky shore before flinging herself off the prow. She largely makes the jump.

Adora laughs at her as she scrambles out of the shallows and does the wet feet kicky dance of regret.

"Well you're still on the boat so who's the real idiot!" Catra shouts back.

"Still you!"

"Uh, guys?" Bow says. Adora looks to him to see he's glancing around, looking concerned. "Where is everyone?"

This place does seem to be populated more in line with the Whispering Woods than Bright Moon.

"Hm..." Sea Hawk says, stroking his chin. "Very odd indeed. If I know the Princess Mermista - and I, I do! - something's amiss."

"They're probably having a 'party' and left this area unguarded," Catra says disdainfully. "If the Horde had done anything this place would be well-tagged rubble."

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