Ep. 1-Part 1~ Meeting

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A/N~ People who read my other stories, I'm still writing them but I was going through old documents on my computer and found this. It's an old story that I started to write last year. This fanfic will be like If FMA Were REAL! in the sense of slow updates.

This is my first Doctor Who fanfic so please be patient with me! This also takes place just after Donna leaves! Thanks for reading!


 Ep. 1-part 1~ Meeting

 December 2013~ Minneapolis

The alarm on my phone went off. A series of vibrations and a popular song that can be heard on the radio every day. With blurry eyes, I searched for my phone. I found under my pillow. I squinted in the light. It read 8:31. I had two hours before I had to go to work. Groaning, I turned the alarm off and got out of bed.

It was today where my life would change forever...I just didn't know it yet.


"Mae, when's lunch" I whined playfully as I spun around in a chair. The video game store where I worked was empty except for my best friend, Mae, a new employee named Tessra, and myself.

"Twenty minutes. Now settle down" she spoke calmly as she poked me in the cheek with the pen she was holding. I laughed and pushed her arm away. A quiet scoff was barely heard among our laughter. I knew Tessra was rolling her eyes at us because we were acting like kids. We ignored her and she ignored us.

Neither Mae nor I knew her well; she only started working here about a week ago. She's a light tan woman with dark brown eyes. Her hair went just past her ears and was just a few shades darker than her skin. She never spoke to anyone, hardly even to the customers.

"I'm actually surprised there hasn’t been any customers today" I mumbled as I rested my head on the counter.

"Did you turn the sign?" Mae asked.

"Yes, I turned the sign!" I mocked. She laughed and left to organize shelves. Suddenly, the door opened and winter cold at blew into the store. I sat up and looked at the newly arrived customer. He was a tall man, had to be at least 6 foot. He wore a trench coat that was mere inches off the ground. Under the coat, he wore a brown pinstriped suit with a light blue dress shirt under that. A dark brown striped tie was around his neck. His hair was a dark caramel and it stuck up in every direction. His eyes scanned the store before they landed on me. He ignored Mae as she got up to talk to him and he walked towards me.

"Good day, miss!" He greeted with a wide smile which caused me to smile back. His voice was British but it was also Scottish.

"Good day, sir. Can I help you find something?" I asked politely.

"No but I think you may be able to help me with something," he reached into his coat and pulled out a leather fold. He opened it and showed it to me. "As you can see, I'm an officer of Scotland Yard" I looked at what he was showing me and all I saw was white along with faded words. Smiling inwardly, I played along.

"Yes, Officer-"

 "Doctor, please."


"Just the Doctor. Anyway, I wanted to ask you a few questions. Have seen anything strange falling from the sky in the past month or so? Might've looked like a meteor shower" The man, the Doctor, asked.

"No, I haven't"

"Ok, great. How about missing people? Anyone you know gone missing?" I shook my head. He sighed. "Okay, lastly, have you seen any bald women with black eyes and long sharp claws?" Now he's getting insane.

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